Jealous? 🤣🤣🤣

35  2018-07-01 by RBuddCumia


No but I'm pretty mentally ill when it comes to burning money

"Come on Daddy has some bills that needs to be paid."

“Dealer bust” daddy like

I see your wager of 500 and ill call with the rights to Compound Media's payroll budget

I raise you East Side Dave's yearly salary.

Seeing a wager is the same as calling it.

"I'll see your 500 and raise by another 500"

ol' Lou Mannheim right here.

Wow, what a system, Ant, splitting Aces and 8’s like every other guinea-rich piece of trash in the Borgata. He used to at least admit that guys who had “systems” or thought they could beat the house were delusional, now he’s one of those guys.

He's always been that guy. Not having a "system" is his system. That delusional pissy eyed wop

He's always believed that if the person sitting next to him hit on the wrong card it would have an effect on the odds of him winning. He talked about it on air like a decade ago. He's an idiot.

Give it 5 months and he'll put putting the rights to Compound Media on that poker table.

You can't bet something that's worth negative money.

Then why did the bank take my house? Checkmate

Land is always worth money, houses not so much.

Does this guy have any hobbies that aren't degenerate?

Do you? Because I don’t.

I go on walks to the park with my little brother sometimes.

I don’t either. There’s nothing worse than some good clean fun.

Collecting guns was probably the healthiest thing he did with his money, but that's no longer an option.

I've told this before here but I'm a network engineer and once worked for an online sports betting site (you could also play blackjack and other table games) and part of my job was to track the overall win/loss of high stakes players. Not a single person was overall positive.

Anybody who says they have a system or even that they're about broke even but it's about having a good time are full of shit.

I'm going to presume any table that has the drink prices printed on it is not really the "high stages" table?

It was rare but people did occasionally win big from smallish balances. They always ended up pissing it all away though.

Gambling is fun. If you try to use it to make money or don't expect to lose everything you wager you are a certified Cumia level retard though.

not my thing. Bunch or friends want to have a poker game, fine, but I'm pretty good at math and as you's a sure thing the house is going to win in the end.

I mean poker is different because you're playing directly against other people. The site still wins because of the rake back but even with those games you're not going to sustain a living from it. It simply doesn't happen.

Didn't that Vegas shooter make a living at it? I remember reading something about him being pretty successful at making a living off the casinos. I kind of blew it off but I kept hearing it. Never did find out what his motivation was but I bet at the end of the day he had a string off losses that added to his instability

I have no idea. I think he was wealthy from astute real estate investments and landlord income. I'm assuming he just gambled a lot and like most of those losers pretended he was living the high life as a pro gambler. There's nothing quite as pathetic as thinking you're hot shit because a casino comped you a room and meal and gift card etc when in reality they only do it because you're a sap who's given them unreal amounts of money.

I used to work for a site similar to MySpace. Seeing the traffic patterns blew my mind. I'd assumed that people go on those sites when they have time to burn during their nights and weekends.


All the traffic was during work hours.

Did Joe chime in yet to give his useless opinion?

It's probably his allowance being gambled with.

Joe chimed in with a “haven’t you people ever heard of the O&A subreddit”

Who is he talking to with these tweets?

Everyone, and no one.

Fred and Joe

I dunno what’s worse: Ant commanding Keith to hold a throw pillow Ant could punch when he inevitably loses at Blackjack, or Jimmy throwing a shoe and biting himself on the arm after a smoke machine he requested making a hissing sound during his special taping.

Ant spitting on the floor and cursing out the dealers.

Even i don’t brag about a $1700 Black Jack take. What a loser.

Remember when his stories were always about high stakes tables and absurd tips for waitresses? Back when he had a job, of course.

Does this simp understand that outside of card counting, there is no 'strategy' to beating the house in any table game? If he never wrote that OJ parody he'd be gambling away his savings every weekend in AC. Oh wait, no that's actually what he's doing.

Gambling is about giving yourself the best possible odds by playing the percentages. On some level that’s a strategy. In the end most people lose but the most successful players usually play a certain way.

The most successful blackjack player lose less than less successful players. There is no way to beat any of these games long term. Only poker.

I'm not disputing most of that but it is a strategy to not hit a 19 when the dealer has a Jack face up because even though they probably have a 10 buried you're not going to get a 2. If you play okay you might win but if you hit stupid shit or draw out bust cards for no reason you will most likely lose. It's a strategy to give yourself the best possible odds. Would I recommend being a professional gambler? No but let's not pretend you can't hit a good take home every once in a while if you play well enough. Gambling is fun. No other hobby might make you money every once in a while.

You might make money once in a while but if you play consistently you will lose. That's the bottom line. Again, the 'strategy' you are describing is one that might help you lose less, but long term there are no winners at blackjack.

There are people who literally make a living playing blackjack or roulette. It's insanely uncommon but to say there's no long term winners is just a flat out lie because you're a pussy afraid to take any chances. Slot machines are retarded because they literally get to calibrate the odds.

There are people who literally make a living playing blackjack or roulette. It's insanely uncommon but to say there's no long term winners is just a flat out lie because you're a pussy afraid to take any chances.

If you believe there are consistent winners at either of these games, you just don't understand very basic math or probability. Roulette is even easier to quantify. The 0 and 00 automatically create an insurmountable edge for the house. The only people who say they are consistent winners at either of those games are liars or just don't actually account for every session. Poker is the only beatable game because there is no house edge, and even there being a consistent winner is very rare.

So is being in the nba but there are people who manage to do it.

The dumbest thing you've said in this thread so far.

I never don't say dumb shit. I don't see how you are denying there are people who make a living gambling. Shit, there are people who trade options as their only job.

No one makes money off of casinos , not including the person who sold you his "how to get rich off blackjack" book.

I'm going to try to explain this one more time, then I'm going to stop trying to explain it. There is luck in options trading, but there are no absolute probabilities that dictate outcomes. In blackjack, you could make the 'correct' decision 100% of the time and basic math dictates that the more you play the more your will lose, long term. In options trading this isn't the case.

The probabilities for every casino game are freely accessible online. Blackjack has the best odds, but it's still 51/49 in the house's favor. If someone told you they wanted to flip a coin 1000 times, and each time you won you'd get 49 cents, and each time they won you'd owe them 51 cents, do you think you'd end up a long-term winner?

It is quite possible for someone who goes to a casino a few times a year to be an overall winner. But the more you play, the more you erase that possibility. To reiterate, there is no such thing as making a living at blackjack.

Actually craps has the best odds so your entire opinion is now rendered invalid.


Perhaps but I don't think so.

I’ll come clean. I’m a professional blackjack player who lives in a big house and fucks attractive women. AMA

Found the nigga with the gambling addiction.

Wanna bet?

No way, you can totally learn How To Beat The Dealer (TM). Just send $19.99 to "Jimmy The Card's Totally Legit Way To Win At BlackJack Every Time" and we'll start your subscription to our news letter, send you our first TWO VHS tapes in the "How To Beat The Dealer (TM)" videocassette series. Once you have the entire library, you'll be guaranteed to leave that casino a Big Winner!


He likes to talk about his blackjack games as if they're a consistent source of income.

“Wanna he” is a Sue related Freudian slip and no one can convince me otherwise.

Matthew Mcwannahe

This is a rough time of year for Nana. It should be a happy time, America's birthday and all. But four years ago this Tuesday he threw away his well paid, cushy job over utter nonsense.

He used to talk all the time about having actual nightmares about losing his radio gig but suddenly, when it actually happened, it became a blessing in disguise! Now he's running his very own multi million dollar media empire! He doesn't regret anything!

Expect lots of HAHA HOLYYY SHIIIT! style tweets about what a great time he's having getting swinishly drunk and spunking away his dwindling fortune in one of America's most ghastly cities.

What was the real reason to be in time square alone taking creep shots. How many kids pictures with Elmo does this ghoul have!

The black chick was a hooker but Ant asked if she was a tranny and if she was available to tag his ass. She took offence at being mistaken for a man and the rest is (unimportant) history.

Tell antknee to come up to lavallette. Lots of underage chicks around the Chadwick Wawa. OH!

Tsss, he's the 'Drunk wanna he', dat fawking faggit.

Hope he brought his Opie pillow to cry his pissy tears into.

Splitting is also what Sue did to your asshole

Back to the golend nugget with you

Most casinos have a policy that you cannot take photos inside the casino.. especially not at the game tables! It's enforced pretty strictly in most establishments

There is nothing enviable about Tranpa. Nothing.

I like his cat

Hope Keith is on standby with the pillow.

Kind of a twist but and doesn’t yell into it anymore; he bites it now.

Anthony is in the egg noodles and ketchup stage of his life.

Hahaha I bet he went to AC with plans of winning back his fortune.

I don't gamble, but isn't it like 99% confirmed that you will lose money doing it?

Boring dolt.

With a lot of self control you can walk away during runs and drop out during losses. From what I’ve heard, he does neither and mostly annoys the staff with his big mouth and fake rich behavior. When he’s broke he’ll be back to paying for his own room and trying to build a bank by signing over checks from deep discount.

Only the classiest of joints advertise $4 Miller Lite Draft from 5p to 8p.

I go on walks to the park with my little brother sometimes.

I don’t either. There’s nothing worse than some good clean fun.