Weekly Free-For-All Thread: July 01, 2018

0  2018-07-01 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.



I thought these awful threads were going to stop with the advent of the chat

Anyone have Ms Chipperson’s Instagram?

The Jews have been causing bees to go extinct so that we become dependent on artificial pollinators that they, of course, will patent.

Don't be silly it's not like they promote herbicides that kill all living plants,turn thr soil into plastic and somehow thmanaged to patent the only seeds that grow in that environment

Very optimistic thinking that this thread will fill up. 3/4 of us are still washing the shame off of us from last night and the rest are still living it.

I’m rethinking my stance on animals that should be allowed to live. I might allow reptiles but NOT snakes. I will allow bees, ants, and ladybugs. But I’m thinking the first threat to the existence for our mammalian children is the (((((coral reef)))))

Happy Canada Day. It's hot as fuck here.

So kill yourself

It's how I always cool off.

i might have just ordered from dream market 5 minutes before it got busted for good


Wow is this really for free? I can say ANYTHING I want here? Holy smokes!


What is the best way for me to get my fuck buddy to take a dump in front of me?

Just ask, man, way more girls are into poop stuff than you’d think.

Just tell him what you’re in to and go from there.

I hate bonnie so fucking much

Will Bobby Kelly have a heart attack in 2018?

You guys as lonely and depressed as I am? What do you do to feel better other than troll people who's careers are on their way down?

how the fuck did Russia manage to fuck up those penalties so badly