"Look at your surroundings! You're in obscurity! I feel bad for you!"

37  2018-07-01 by Bonerretardfaggot

The thing that always cracks me up about this statement whenever Ant says it is thinking about his surroundings when he says it.

Alone, on a couch, holding his phone, lights off, bunch of empty Bud Light cans around him. His real, personal life is obscurity. That's why he's so addicted to Twitter.


Even when he has people around him, those people are fat lumps of shit, his mooching siblings, and his muscular girl.

Look around you Anthony. Your life is embarrassing.

I can't even be bothered to log off to read his tweets. Everything he posts is low effort Clayton Bigsby. It's even below shit posting.

your life sucks just accept it and stop getting angry at others about it

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the fact he owns his own house and most people here are drug addicts or close to the poverty level.

Also, his real life isn't obscure at all because people, like you, are obsessed about it while no one is obsessed with your life.

Honestly I enjoy a good comedic trolling here and there but the idea that anonymously attacking Anthony on the internet is anything to be proud of and spending months now dissecting his "obscurity" lines only further proves he's right.

Here's an idea.. just use your real names when insulting him and then you guys can really go toe to toe with the personal insults. I bet he won't block you this time either.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the fact he owns his own house and most people here are drug addicts or close to the poverty level.

He literally says "Look at your surroundings, pathetic isn't it?" to people. He's implying to them that where they are, and what they're doing, is pathetic. He says this while drunk, alone, and getting into race and political arguments on twitter for the hundredth time that month. Keith said he rarely hangs out with him, and he admitted that he and Dani didn't even fuck. Just drink and watch Seinfeld. Does anyone of that not sound pathetic?

Also, his real life isn't obscure at all because people, like you, are obsessed about it while no one is obsessed with your life.

The only reason people are obsessed with him is because he's a trainwreck loser. I mean, think about it: fired for racist tweets, got a domestic violence charge for stomping and biting a girl half his age and size, hired a co-host (and put said co-host's name first on billing) only for the cohost to rarely show up and give 0 effort, got caught 'dabbling' with a pre-op twink transexual, 'doxxed' a paying subscriber by saying he works at Panera, got caught grooming a 13 year old girl that was actually a grown man, went to a roast unprepared and bombed for 10 minutes then denied it, etc.

Do you really think people being obsessed with his life makes him somehow cool? Are people supposed to envy that? He's like Chris Chan: someone people love to fuck with and point and laugh at.

Honestly I enjoy a good comedic trolling here and there but the idea that anonymously attacking Anthony on the internet is anything to be proud of and spending months now dissecting his "obscurity" lines only further proves he's right.

His "obscurity" lines weren't months ago. It's something he does 2-3 times a week. A 57 year old man sending an emoji-ladened message to a troll and then blocking the troll because Ant is afraid of confrontation is something for us to point and laugh at.

Here's an idea.. just use your real names when insulting him and then you guys can really go toe to toe with the personal insults. I bet he won't block you this time either

I bet he would. He's so afraid of confrontation that two 60 year old men about to fight made him freeze up with his shoulders scrunched up to his ears, and he couldn't even talk. He would just look up information about the people and try to contact their employers (oh yeah, another hilarious thing the old retard did), or insult something about their personal life before blocking them.

Yeah.. you sure showed me..

Here’s a question: if me laughing at Ant’s life means I’m obscure and he’s interesting, then what do you think about Ant obsessing with black people/the left? Ant spends far more time obsessing and tweeting about black people and SJWs than anyone here spends talking about him (he’s averaging something like 2k tweets a month if I’m remembering what someone else said correctly).

Don’t you think spending an hour or two day catching up on the O&A train wreck is less pathetic than spending 6-12 hours a day tweeting about the same race and political issues you’ve been complaining about for a decade?

Deflection doesn't count as an answer. Please try again.

Then stop deflecting? I pointed out why your statement was stupid and asked you a relevant question.

I think you're just realizing how much of a loser Ant is but you don't want to say anything bad about him because you agree with his politics. It's ok, I understand, stupid people tend to blindly stick with what they're comfortable with.

That's great, remember when I said you were deflecting so you told me I'm deflecting in return?

Brother Joe is that you?

There is a real annoying thing people do here which is post over and over again how sad Anthony's "obscurity" insult is. Everyday someone brags about how Anthony has taken time out of his day to block them, like they are happy they have gotten some sort of reward for being an anonymous troll. And everyone here just pretends this is fun and that they sure showed him.. out of all the yelling everyone does in a small corner of the internet, he still has a podcast and he is still living his life. Let's get back to some "ya know what dude" memes and stop pretending like this place matters.

I come here to make fun of people but this is just sad.

Nobody asked.

Good one

Why dont you go back to your Anthony shrine that you've been hovering over all day. That'll show me.

You say weird shit to people

Hey, remember when you took time out of your day to tell me I did a good job insulting you? I cant imagine what kind of defective parents raise someone to do that.

Yeah, I don't hold them in high regard.

Good boy

Why is obscurity a bad thing? I'd fucking hate being famous.

You just explained my life except I'm not as racist or black as he is.