Stopped outside a shop on my morning run in the English countryside. Papers were being delivered. The Stangle mocker has made the front pages

4  2018-07-01 by Dennyislife


nah I think he's going to continue to galavant without having to work.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Apparently the wrong Davidson ended up under 500,000 tons of rubble.

If papa davidson wasn't such an inept fireman, maybe there wouldn't be a pile of rubble in the first place

Messi and Ron Out don't even look like brothers.

'I stopped on MY morning run so I saw...'

Way to make this tragedy about yourself you piece of shit

Sorry. Our morning run.

Pete still dressing better than Big Jay.


You are officially the worst at writing post titles on this sub Denny!

Officially? Who is the unofficial champ?

hes gotta better shot at growing all his hair back