Opie fans are not the brightest of bulbs

54  2018-06-30 by SpudsCuckley


This is why Opie is now uploading his podcast to YouTube. Too many of his listeners “don’t do podcast apps”

Don't have to do that when you're making MONSTA NUMBAS!

Remember when Opie claimed their poor ratings were due to them “competing with themselves” because apparently millions of listeners in every city were satellite subscribers at the time.

Sounds like he’s prepping the battlefield for such excuse-making.

The first one got 11k. The last one that's been up a week got 2k.

That's not good is it.

Righteous Bubs!!!

The guy's pic is probably where he lives, there is place by me that looks like that, it's group home for unwanted retards

nice neighborhood, stupid

If you live there it's not by you.

On the contrast, Anthony's fans are WOKE as fuck

How do you exist on this planet, in this country and not improve your knowledge of technology in 20 years?

Ah what the heck do I know? I just get my lunchpail and container of coffee and head to the jobsite and then back home to the ol ball and chain.

Well, truck-driving isn't exactly rocket science.

Lord Amitri is a cunt.

Don't have to do that when you're making MONSTA NUMBAS!

Remember when Opie claimed their poor ratings were due to them “competing with themselves” because apparently millions of listeners in every city were satellite subscribers at the time.

Sounds like he’s prepping the battlefield for such excuse-making.

The first one got 11k. The last one that's been up a week got 2k.

That's not good is it.