Please don't Tweet the Keith/Sue Lightning thing at Ant. They're isolated on a boat together and such a thing could ruin their trip.

79  2018-06-30 by Single_Action_Army


What do you think Ant would do after the tweet? Keith used to chase down and brutalize crack dealers and thugs and Ant crosses the street when he sees a billboard with a black person in it.

Ant would be like "ahahaha look at what the trolls are doing now!" secretly angry inside.

Keith would pretend it's bullshit and laugh it off while Ant grows more and more silently resentful and drunk, afraid to say anything to alienate his esteemed podcast runner and kid rape cover-upper.

Then he’ll go home and watch that Sopranos scene where Tony and Paulie are on the boat “you told John about that joke, right?” while angrily drinking and trying to draw parallels

Keith will make "Pasta ala Craterface"

Humiliation, guns & alcohol are a deadly combination. I’d hate to see something bad happen to either of these fine gentlemen.

Keith will do it like a pro. He will stay out at sea for an extra week, bang up the boat appropriately and claim Ant fell over during a freak storm. Once the pedophile ring leader is out of the picture all his crownies can claim innocent and beat the rap

Keith would try to claim there was a massive hurricane two miles off the New York coast that only affected them. Kinda like how he lied about chasing an amateur firefighter destination when cutting that guy off in traffic.

He is a former New York cop, and also connected to the mafia. Covering shit up is probably the one thing he can do correctly.

He thought Long Island police bought a nuclear submarine....

They probably have one. You know because of terrorism

Whats a crownie?

A spelling error. Cronies

When Sue deep dicks Tranthony and slowly pulls out so her/his helmet appears shit covered.

Hopefully it ends like Big Pussy’s final boat trip.

Hey, that's Ant's nickname too.

Nickname for his shitter, obviously

If you’re wealthy and fortunate enough to have the time/money to waste on a boating trip on a beautiful day in June, and you get so bored that you constantly have to check twitter, you should be fed to wild hogs feet first.

Mrs. Landau is busy

The next stop on the USS Faggot is Fire Island

I hope Ant ends up like Natalie Wood.

Ive always been too lazy to make a twitter but I couldnt pass this up and blasted it at him from my gf's account

I got sick of his boat tweets and asked "Is Sue with you?", INSTANT BLOCK!

HAHA he's such a cunt.

Then he’ll go home and watch that Sopranos scene where Tony and Paulie are on the boat “you told John about that joke, right?” while angrily drinking and trying to draw parallels