Did everyone remember to tweet this at Opie today? Remember: These things are worthless, unless they're tweeted at Opie and people in the O&A world CONSISTENTLY...

3  2018-06-30 by TangerineReam


it makes the 800 people here + their 22,000 alts happy. that's "worthless" to you?

yes. coughing up 30 bucks and not trolling Opie with it is stupid and a waste of money.

Its horrendous how pro-Opie people are now, meanwhile were sitting on a great video that could totally ruin his day

oh gosh, i misspoke! i forgot to say that i do hope is day is ruined, but i assume thats a daily inevitably for him

He's personalizing videos for money now? How long until he starts sucking dick for ham sandwiches?

That was the whole point of getting him to do it

I guess I'm just blessed with shame. I hope bam has a heart attack

It only cost you 30$ for this? How do i get bam to do this? I'll give this board some great content

not me, the guy who posted it originally

Maybe tweet it to Anthony too. He might bring it up on his shit show.

Who ever paid for Bam to do this is a good egg.