Yeah, your majesty. There are these — radio pests.

47  2018-06-30 by RBuddCumia


Online terrorists.

He then immediately terrorizes the judge online.

Despite the fact she ruled in his favor.

Didnt he post some pic of the judge with her tits swinging and bitching about her even though he "won"?

Yeah. And he said she's no judge, she's a tit showing failed actress leftist pigeon toed chubbsy wubbsy bitch.

Meanwhile the woman he is proud to call his girlfriend looks like she could be his grandmother. Joe is such a clown.

"Imgur screen grabs can be and are frequently altered to make it look like I'm saying nigger and comparing black people to gorillas, your highness."

Kinda looks like Scorch...The Peoples Court is PFGTV

If scorch was retarded and from Yemen maybe.

Oh yea. You're definitely white Joe. Looks like every fucking Yemen working a bodega in south bronx.

Wait, Scorch isn’t retarded?

"I give you good price, my friend! Very good price!"

High yaller retard

He looks like a very trustworthy person.

Does anyone have the link for the ep?

Oh no me Lady,this reddit thing me Lady, me Lady,I'm not a pedophile.