Been getting into photography lately. I call this one "completely worthless braindead faggot with tiny mouth - VERY gay and stupid"

122  2018-06-30 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


He’s a delusional fuck.

"Look at me! I'm a faawwwkin millionaire that's to cheap to fix my teeth!"


You’re into photographs? Nice rule of thirds, stupid.

what about rule of seconds er sumthin

Looks like rule of turds

He has a mouth like a dog's asshole.

And what comes from a dog's asshole is more intelligent than anything spewed from his face hole.

And I beter it doesn't feel half as good

He has that look of the jibberish guy from Blazin' Saddles

At least he has nice teeth.

I want to open up an IPA on those two bottom teeth.

One if those export beers from India?

u/OpiesBreasts - actually, his teeth are not nice. With an acct name like this, think you'd be able to recognize that.

The different angles & direction of his bottom teeth are fascinating. It's like a bundle of tiny French baguettes shooting out from top of bag.

Yeah I wasn’t being sarcastic or anything.

That's da bit.

Yea, and I definitely wasn't being sarcastic either.

I'm so surprised to learn you did not think his teeth were nice. For fucks sake man.

There's a lot of pain and confusion in those badly cosmetically lifted, crooked eyes.

colin flaherty



That's it, that's the line we'd been waiting for!

Oh la la

His mouth always looked like the same size of his eyes... creepy ginger fuck.

That eye job he had didn’t last long. He’s got a new eyelid dropping over the old eyelid.

Everything about this man is fucking muderable.

There isn't a single likeable quality possessed by this vapid, witless bag of skunk feces.

Could have been a model.

Now im not sure if Edgar is based on Opie too..

But im starting to strongly suspect he is

man has 3 teeth

Excellently titled

This man’s face makes me unreasonably angry.