This guy has funny reviews and throws in OnA references.

5  2018-06-30 by Bouquet_of_seaweed


I used to jerk off to that scene on the roller coaster with the shitty 'Wild Horses' cover. Also Alyssa Milano 10/10 betraying whore performance.

He's alright but painted himself into a corner with a stupid channel name choice. There is not a single thing bad about Fear. Classic fucking James Foley flick.

Wait what?

He usually reviews B movies. Then he started branching out.

I'm a subscriber. I just think channels like Your Movie Sucks force themselves into being too negative. They start by reviewing bad movies. Then run out of bad flicks and nitpick (such as YMS's video on the Lovely Bones). Then they just review good movies. I personally think the Lovely Bones was a great movie, and don't why Good Bad Movies did a video on Shoot 'Em Up(awful movie). He's def talented.

I'm loyal to Red Letter Media for my hack fraud movie reviews.