God Bless Rich Vos

43  2018-06-30 by RBuddCumia


Make the text in your screencap bigger.

No you're right. Downvote me. That's a perfectly acceptable size for a font.

Fucking shitheads. Fuck you all.

You blind fool

You guys are so autistic you can't read sarcasm.

The font is enormous, and the screencap is huge.

Holy fucking shit.

But its not really mate

Don't call me mate you limey fuck.

Wha yu on bout ya wanka, sodd of ya fokin poof benda

what an odd thing to get angry about

It's almost like only unstable people come here

It's almost like you're gay and your family deserves to die.

ur fawkin gud

Double guns for this cawksuckas family.

Zoom in, dumbbell.

Oh yeah. That's what I need. It to be even bigger and more massive.

Oh I thought you wanted the text to be bigger but you want it smaller. That's even weirder.

Fuck you.

That wasn't even the first rendition of that Tweet that he posted. The first one said, "Or take a long walk on a long pier." I'm not kidding.

He has a speech impediment in writing.

OFF not on, you idiot

Apple Cider Vinegar?

Autistic Child Vos

Alt Comic Vos, Colin bashed him for this

The man is a goddamned beautiful mind.

Well he and Josh Nash are both from Jersey.

God bless him for what? Stealing Colin's twitter act?

Hahaha almost as good as his fuckin "Progerio" line. Vosferatu is a retard.

141 I.Q.

I guess I better leap before I look.

Comedians don't really still sell CD's in TYOOL 2018, do they?

I'll have you know I bought an autographed copy of Vos's "141 IQ" CD when he came to my town. I've never actually listened to it though.

It's almost like only unstable people come here

Double guns for this cawksuckas family.