When Anthony's book comes out, no one buy it. I will go to the bookstore, take a picture of every page, and upload them.

204  2018-06-30 by Single_Action_Army

In the low, low chance that thing makes it out of the New York retail area.

I pinky swear this because I cannot in good conscience let any more money go into Brother Joe's pocket.


Thank you for your service in advance

God bless

You're a fag, I'm buying it day 1

I would buy 20k copy just to say fuck the ona sub if I were you

i will be pre-ordering one to read and then will buy another for my collection. i'm hoping i can get them signed but i know there will be hundreds of pests crammed into a barnes and noble trying to get their books signed. i'm going to record the Q&A session and post it on here for all the pests who can't make it!

Think Anthony might have new designed WOW stickers? The ones you have probably are looking a little threadbare.

Did you get your compound media sticker on your rascal yet?

lol I ride a panther heavy duty mobility scooter, rascals are shit. I have four WOW stickers on it. I work at the mall and get high fives from dudes all the time when they see my stickers, still haven't been flashed by any hot babes yet though.

You are a treasure.

Please don't forget us pests out west

When Anthony comes out can you go to Long Island and document that too?

Outside O&A fans, who the heck would buy the book?

Pedophile investigators.

someone who wants to learn how to lose all their guns

Dementia researchers.

Which publishing company is paying him to write a book? He has got to be self-publishing it, right? No way a real company could exist if it makes retarded business decisions like printing a book for some obscure nobody radio jock. Lets be honest, even at the O&A peak, how many copies of an autobiography could he have possibly sold? O&A fans generally were not big readers. And even if they were, whats the chance he had a book's worth of material that they hadn't talked about on the show 20 times already? There's nothing he could put in the book that would be more interesting or funny than the dirt this sub got on him years ago.

you're a real cynical cindy

Which publishing company



If he had a publisher he would have mentioned who was publishing it by now. Also it would have a release date, or at least be listed under upcoming books on a publishers website.

so its just going to be an ebook on amazon. no way that retard can get his shit together to print and sell physical books or even plan a tour. If by some miracle he even gets the ebook up for sale I will read it just to get a good chuckle from all the grammatical errors, typos, and general lack of adult supervision. I mean seriously which one of his monkeys could he even assign to edit the book? Even Schumer's book (Yeah I read it fuck you Im a faggot) was horribly edited for content and she had one of the biggest reported book deals of the year. I hate all these people so much. I wish they would all die.

I just downloaded 32 gigs of Finnish high school books, one of the sellers had a little issue and all the ebooks were free for a while on their site. Of course someone compiled all of them into a torrent file. If someone here buys Ant's ebook, sharing is caring and so on.

This is a bit weird, but where would one find this torrent, sukka-aisuri?

Here's a magnet link

Thank you! I don't know why but my bt client didn't accept the magnet. Found the torrent with the "kirjat" keyword. It's a fucking goldmine.

Yeah I tried it myself and didn't work, that's weird. Glad you found it, that's got some serious monetary value. Good read even if you're not in school and just want to educate yourself.

What monetary value?

It's 310 books, if you say 30 euros a book that's 9k. And 30 is very low as an average value. And these are books still used today so someone's losing lot of money with this torrent floating around.

hoooooo leeee shit brutha man

It’s old, but if you’re located outside of the target market and have access to cheap printing, and the texts are recent you can have them printed / bound and sell them online to students. I really only works for US/CA texts.

all you cocksuckers can read Finnish?

I'm Finnish so I can yeah, mr__hat knew how to turn my username into Finnish form so I'm guessing he's one too?


tss. I can't even start

Don't worry it will be, audiobook as well. Unlimited shit with throwaway audible accounts and the dago gets no mula. Works every time heh heh heh.

32 gigs of books? You'll never Finnish them.

Steal the Anthony book online and then go buy a/another copy of Colin's book.

I'd be surprised if it's sold in any brick and mortar store. Bookstores are dead and Barnes & Noble sure as shit won't stock it.

Just steal it, it's easy as fuck to steal books from bookstores, you goddamn pussies.

A stolen book counts as a sale

This buster's hard hardcore!

thank you for your service

"My Struggle", by Anthony Cumia

"If I sucked it", by OJ Cumia.

I’m Still Hilarious- The life and times of a bi-Sexual man.

You know damn well you've heard every story in that book anyway. We all have. I don't know who would buy it besides ball washers.

I like that there's exactly 1 "news" article about his upcoming book & it's on Ron Bennington's website.

The only interest anyone could possibly have in this book is the details about Opie among this small niche of hateful old fans. I figured someone would get their hands on it early and post those details and end all curiosity among the tiny amount of potential buyers.

It was a self fulfilling prophecy when Ant asked if there was such a thing as an "audient"?

This thing is gonna make the NYT worst sellers list and its gonna be beautifully disastrous

Nobody needs this book. That autist on here that made the documentary series on O&A pretty much summed it up.

Also the book should be boycotted. There is no reason a pedophile should be able to release a book.

We need a ruling on this from the people’s court. Are pedophiles allowed to release books?

Thank you

I have no interest in reading it, but thanks anyway.

The image of someone in the bookstore meticulously taking pictures of every page of some washed up shock jock racist pedophile closeted homosexual auto biography is depressing and hilarious.

“Officer, let me explain. Do you remember that old radio show that did that church sex bit…”

Why would a cop arrest me doing that


"Officer i was just trying to photograph the scaffolding BEHIND the book"

I don't want my brother walking out of there with just a book in his hands

I enjoyed it, but doesn't Amazon do returns? I'd pay a local reprobate to do that at she reads it to me at home... then return it.

I hate to burst your bubble but he probably got an upfront deal, not some performance based contract. He sells one book or ten million he still gets the same money.

At least the publisher will hate Cumia more the less money they receive

In that case I hope he sells four million books and was paid the same as if he sold 100k.

Unless he paid to publish the book.


When you're inevitably dragged screaming from the store by the cops, I wonder if the news will mention the sub.

We need to get back in the news

I'll bring a toddler along I can kill

I luv you SAA, you're a good man

It's cute that you think any book store would stock this ridiculous and irrelevant self published pamphlet.

I'm waiting for the audio book read by Bobo

He might hide his subscriber count but can't hide book sales.

I think you're optimistic if you believe it'll even go to retail.

Can you just read them in Edgar's voice to us?

No , please don’t trouble yourself. Nobody is interested in the book.

Lets all take a pic of one page then put them all together.

Very good.

This sub salutes you good sir

Why not come to the New York area and do it?

I mean you can buy one book and upload it, instead of taking pictures.

he is not getting rich of of one book sold.

I'll transcribe them out and post the clean version in a .doc. Fuck Anthony for stopping funny.

Buy it? No one cares enough to even pirate it in 2018. 2006 he would have at least done decently/respectably in sales.

None of you can convince me there really is a book coming.

But if there is one... we just need a "Reading Anthonys Book So You Don't Have To" Guy.

Il go in with my recorder and make an audiobook version too

I'll just steal the book, you guys are all idiots.

I would buy 20k copy just to say fuck the ona sub if I were you

You are a treasure.

But if there is one... we just need a "Reading Anthonys Book So You Don't Have To" Guy.