He ain't kiddin'

42  2018-06-29 by TonyFromLongIsland


Exile this fool to the Marshall islands

From the*

Joe could easily be a light skinned nigga, or a puerto rican

I might not care enough about this spit drinking faggot, but I thought it was the same person and had to do several double takes.

Whatever that is, it isn't white.

I get Joe is on the left, is that Jesse on the right?

Pretty sure that's Otis Nixon on the right.

joe has got a lot more ape like features including bigger nose, wider lips, thicker skull and darker skin

its really depressing to think about a 58 year old man taking 10-15 selfies before settling on the one that he would use for this

Well it's not like he's missing work.

How the fuck does he post that photo and still pretend he's a white man

Joe looks more like a nigger than the nigger.

It’s wrong to hate someone ...but I really hate this cunt of a man

It's been almost two years, get over it

Adults with jobs don't do shit like this.

That's actually how Joe applies the vials of child spit he collects. Instead of drinking it, it's more economic to dab some on his finger and rub it on his teeth

63 year old welfare ass nigga



I don't get it, are they both sucking child spit off their fingertips?

There's a lot of jokes, but they look EXACTLY THE SAME.

Joe looks like an aged Jesse. Fucking Moor.

that '08 election was on the 6th i believe

The cumias are mid Sahara africans