Patriotic hero Joseph Cumia saves the Stars and Stripes

29  2018-06-29 by TheScheerMeme


I would gladly and without hesitation replace that flag being run over with Joe

ill sacrifice a flag for that

I would only want to run over his legs because his posts are constant entertainment

thats true we probably wouldnt know about it for at least 4 days and the peoples court appearance is by far the funniest thing this sub has ever done

Teacher: Layla, this is your 18th tardy this year. This is absolutely unacceptable

Layla: Sorry but my dad spent half an hour explaining to me why he got out of his clown car to pick up a rag in the middle of the road

he peeled potatoes for that rag, show some respect

thats the only thing that low life did that day. the only thing he deemed worthwhile. he dropped his child off at school (because he doesnt work), went home, sent out some racist, homophobic, probably pedophilic tweets. in between he picked up a flag that flew from someones yard away.

he thinks picking up that flag makes him a good member of society.

he hit his babys momma with a frying pan, doesnt pay child support, doesnt work, is a racist, and relies on hand outs from his brother. and he thinks hes good people because he picked up a fucking flag.

You know he didn't Actually pick up a flag right?

Nah he did pick one up, from Dollar General.

Hey dont you disrespect a veteran like that. Do you know how hard it is to make 50 pounds of mashed potatoes for real soldiers to eat? Fucking back off bro

He should let all the other veterans of the mess hall brigade know about his patriotism

Man, when I think of true patriots I think of 22 year olds that get their fucking legs blown off by IEDs in the fucking desert, and fat unemployed 58 year old faggots in long island, god bless America

Teach your children by example.

Like how to sell freebase with your brother.

And shun your mother while she's on her deathbed all alone and confused.

And shun your mother while she's on her deathbed all alone and confused.

And smoke it with mom

"I explained to her the reasons in detail"

I'm sure that was just a treat for her.

" ee he eh layla, eeh, goshdamn LIBTARDS eeh eh."

Layla is going to suck so many black cocks in a few years.

You know she’s destined to become another pseudo-marxist feminist cunts.

Flags are meaningless pieces of cloth and our flag isn't even particularly attractive among them.

"Made in china"

Good for Joe, he picked a dyed napkin up off the street. Learn from this man.

Virtue signaling burden.

God, I fucking wish he was hit by a car

This never happened. He dreamed it up, thinking his fellow right-wing 'boomer friends would be impressed. This isn't what elderly men like Joe should be doing online.

For a man that claims to love his country so much, you would think he would have done a better job in the military, rather than getting kicked out of it for thievery.

Will these Cumias ever behave?

I'm surprised that the five black guys that accosted Nana that faithful night weren't trampling on it while making ape noises and screaming "I'm with her."

I give Joe some credit in keeping his lie somewhat believable. You just know that if Opie were telling it he would have added how he was fighting off oncoming cars by wildly swinging around a tire jack.

The flag is nothing on its own. It's a symbol. You're not a good person for protecting a symbol.

How about getting a job, Joe? Contributing to the nation instead of just mooching off your brother and being a scumbag.

Can someone please hack into his computer and make facebook redirect to

I thought you were a software engineer

Mechanical engineer 😐

Yeah sure buddy 😏 how many us flags did ya save today?

"Just wait til the internet hears about how patriotic I am."

Teach your kid to run into the middle of a busy intersection to save a piece of cloth. Now that’s PFG.

Joe Cumia used to steal Artillery simulators, and perhaps other pieces of Government property during his time in the service. They spoke about this during the old WNEW days, when Anthony related that he almost blew himself up with one.

This man is no Patriot.

Not since Iwo Jima have we seen a display of patriotism like this that can capture the hearts and minds of the nation. Thank you for your service Mr. Cumia. You are one fine American citizen.

Call him drunken Ira Hayes he wont answer anymore. Not the whiskey drinkin indian or the marine that went to war

Call him drunken Joe Cumia he wont answer anymore. Not the whiskey drinkin Guinea or the marine that cooked.

Said nobody.....

I wish he had died for the flag.

"Dropping my daughter off at school..."

Story's fake

teach your children by example.

Hope Warren can write parody songs and build a career from it.

This idiot knows you’re supposed to burn the flag once it touches the ground, right? Keeping it now is more disrespectful than leaving it there. Maybe his allowance didn’t deposit and he couldn’t afford a lighter.

Joe is the worst kind of person. Hes done nothing with his life except play cover songs and be a freebasing faggot. And now he thinks he is this wise old sage that knows more than anyone.


My gift iza gooda boy.

Sounds made up to me. What are the odds that a guy who spends all day every day tweeting about retarded pop-culture "political issues" would be the one to just happen across a flag lying in the street? If it actually happened he no doubt planted it there himself.

And shun your mother while she's on her deathbed all alone and confused.

And shun your mother while she's on her deathbed all alone and confused.

And smoke it with mom