Fat Cunts Rejoice: "Hollywood’s First Plus-Size Female Superhero"

25  2018-06-29 by crookedmile


Why not a junkie hero, or a hulk type that transforms when they start cutting themselves. Holy fuck.

That's coming

< That’s coming

And so is Ant.

Marvel already has Big Bertha, who turns from thin to Lindy West size and back.

What's her kryptonite, diabetes?

Gym equipment

It's Kale.

Her arch nemesis is a personal trainer.

Accepting personal responsibility.


Self control

It's a bird...It's a plane...It's a fatso in a cape? How the fuck can she get off the ground?

How about the super power to consume less than your burn off?

Fat people will never and should never be taken seriously in society. They're repulsive jokes. Yeah that includes YOU reading this.

Aw :(



Getting all that weight off the ground is certainly a super power

Comment below: "The only two people excited for this are Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson’s agents."

She recharges her strength by using her CPAP at night

Fat Amy must be wringing her greasy sausage fingers with glee at this news.

I guess they are planning Amy Schumer to play the role of Hoagie Girl.

Why is she blonde and white? How is this inclusive?

Fat and a woman. Checks a few boxes.

The hero is Faith Herbert, a jubilant, comics-and-science-fiction loving geek who also happens to have telekinetic superpowers

Hahah she sounds like such a quirky nerd!

I look forward to being blamed when this bombs.

The hero is Faith Herbert, a jubilant, comics-and-science-fiction loving geek who also happens to have telekinetic superpowers.

Telekinesis is the problem. She can just levitate eclairs into her waiting maw.

Self-love is a delusion. You should respect yourself, while knowing that there's always something you can change (or need to), and that you should at least be striving to be better than the person you were yesterday. Self love is the reason why relationships are failing, and why people are dying from adult-onset diabetes.

"Plus-size"...I'd love to see a guy try to pull that off. "I'm not fat and bald, I'm "plus-size" with "low maintenance" hair. You women have just been conditioned to believe that guys with full heads of hair and toned lean bodies are the masculine ideal".

So you've never heard Cumtown?

Her bat signal is a puffy, malignant conglomerate of an ovary from grease-induced PCOS.

What's her super power? That she can eat a lot of cheese? Fat cunt.

She lives on Planet Lindsey West.