“Bennington” is fucking unlistenable. Please retire Ronnie.

23  2018-06-29 by GangstaFag


the guy's just an eater

The show stinks.

Wahhhh I can't stand women wahhhhhh I want it to always be 2009 wahhh

ME: I’m not the problem in the end.


swallows booger

Its perfectly fine. I throw it on from time to time & Ronnie always makes me laugh. He's daughter doesn't add a lot but I don't think she takes much away either

Yeah I listened the other day and it wasnt bad

You know what? Fuck you

It’s bad. I will tune in from time to time and it’s the same old shit. Holding court with unknown people talking of old shit.

I like it.

I tried listening to the recent episode with Dave attell. It was terrible. Gail and her flock of 19 year old interns stink.

He is retired, he just found a way to get paid for it. That said, yes 'Bennington' is insanely boring

I came here to post almost exactly this. Ron and Fez retired when fez left.

There is no reason to listen to this show, he and his family are just stealing as much money as they can from Sirius before they figure out they’re getting taken.

Ron is still Ron. It's a low energy background listen, ESD era is gone, but it's still a good show. It'll get some energy back if they find a decent replacement for Gail for the next while.

Go listen to Jason Ellis, Ferguson, or the Covino/Brocabulary show, they're more your speed.

Your mums a roadman

Or, better yet, no Gail replacement. Peppy Hamburger back on the second mic baby.

When does her maternity leave start?

in a couple weeks, any time really, they were sayin that the other day

fuck man i'm excited

me too, I like gail, but I could use a break. man they played baby music for an hour to start the show today and gail just went aww soo cute ... for an hour

oh holy shit

It's just on the edge of listenable. There's interesting people on the show who can hold a conversation. That's already better then O&J.

He is retired.

Moving to faction talk, 2-5.

If i could upvote this more then once i would. I hear u Bennington is a dull, boring fucking hack and has been as far back as the WNEW days.

Gail is a faggot.

I confer.