"I haven't been going to the movies. I want to go more. I just want a friend to go with." - Jim "Fagliacci" Norton

45  2018-06-29 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

Even gay clowns cry


He has plenty of friends. He keeps projecting. He only wants a smart, funny, beautiful, 21 year old girl who enjoys sitting at home, scat porn, and staying in different hotels around the world. Is that so hard?

And then Jim looks to the proctologist and says I... Am Fagliacci...

Is that what projection is?

Vesti la giuppa, stupid.

Good joke. Everybody laugh. 60k snare drum. Curtains.

Going to the movies alone is the best.

I agree. You don't go to see movie so you can talk to people.

Smoke some weed, buy some food and try not to get too paranoid on the way to your seat

Perfect way to watch a movie

Playing with the devil's grass is a big mistake.

How about his ass? Is that ok?

advocating for drugs use? not cool dude

I’m banned for life for nodding off in the bathroom.

Maybe in whatever degenerate country you’re from. Here we enjoy a nice big soda pop and hold hands with our best gal. Get lost, druggie.

I always thought of this subreddit as an inclusive place.

It's the only way. Last time I went, I went alone. Other than people yelling at the screen, it was nice.

Don't go to those neighborhoods then

If you go with someone else you can yell “shut up niggers” then point at your buddy.

One time, my brother yelled "knock it off, godammit!" and someone yelled "who the fuck said that?" We realized that we bit off a little more than we should have and immediately left when the movie ended.

throw milk duds at them during dark scenes when no one can see who's doing what in the theater

why does he wear a different stupid hat on every chip podacast? It there a real joke behind it or just trying to look zany. Also, how many friends do you think jim has at this point. As in, people who he could call to go to the movies who might actually want to join him?

"Does popcorn have sugar in it? I asked them to clean the machine out to make me a fresh batch without salt or butter and the motherfuckers just looked at me.

And I asked for a tepid bottle of water, a tepid bottle of water, and all they had were cold ones from the fridge. Dude, I can't drink cold water. I just can't. I'm a paying customer and I'll take my business elsewhere. Scumbags.

And what about those shitheads who wouldn't move seats for me? I need an aisle seat for my undiagnosed medical condition I'm sure I have. I'm going to tweet Anthony about it just as soon as this tranny porn ends.

And don't get me started on these seats becau... what? You're just leaving? I need a ride home and my salad is still in your car."


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"I wrote to the manager about them taking away the large bucket popcorn size. Sure I could afford to get two mediums but that's not the point. I fly first class!"

Is this a transcript from a real incident? I’m only not sure because there was no mention of how bad his Uber driver was.

This idiot wasted his youth being a creep and chasing around hookers. Now he's old and not famous anymore and he's depressed that he blew it. I get the same joy from this as when a woman holds out too long for the right guy that never comes and ends up single, childless, undesirable, and invisible in her late 30's.

This is it exactly. After finally fulfilling his molestation-based sissy cum slut fantasies he wants to pick up where he left off and live the life of a guy in his 20s or early 30s.

The retarded part is that there are hundreds of women who'll date Jim, he just won't date them, because here's his criteria:

1) maximum age = 25

2) must want to fuck other guys

3) Should have a dick

"I just want a friend-on-demand!"

There is a reason this wormy empty vessel has no friends.

Jim is becoming Fez.

That....that's all I had....

Does Jim “has seen maybe a half dozen films in his life, the most recent from 2005" Norton even remember what a movie theater is?

Seeing movies solo is better because your perception doesn't get clouded by who you're with. You could see a masterpiece and have your viewing experience tainted by the person you're with not being into it. When you get to be Jim's age, if you want to see a movie you just go and you don't get discouraged by not having a tagalong.

Then the little faggot wouldn't have anything to bitch about, though

Girl. He wants a girl to go with.

He has friends.