Why all the hate for Ant?

0  2018-06-28 by Cotto01

Granted he is a bit of a disaster now but the guy was genuinely funny and so many here loved him not so long ago. Am wondering if the innate self loathing of many here causes them to begin tearing into those they love due to knowledge this person has accomplished much more then they ever will? Nobody can deny so many here are considered the lower elements of society that normal people shun but just because they are generally failures in life does not mean they should lose all appreciation for a guy who provided years of entertainment to us. Just my opinion and no offense meant to anyone here.


He's a child predator.

Is he really? If so they my opinion totally changes but is there evidence or just rumors?


If i hurt anyone i am sorry, but thats the price you pay when you risk want to meet up with a 15 year old girl.

Because your mother fucks niggers

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of dead niggers.

I'm more annoyed by Ant with his borderline pedophilia and he spends too much time on race rants. I wouldn't call it hate though. I sort of feel the same way with Jimmy. On the other hand, I have very hateful feelings towards Sam and Opie.

Because he deserves it

He wears two shirts, thats good enuff for me.Hate the Two Shirts.Deport the Two Shirts.Deport now.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.