How Jim Norton pictures himself recounting old drug stories.

70  2018-06-28 by RBuddCumia


He has at least one thing in common with Burroughs, but it isn't drugs

Sadly it also isn't death

"Jim hated tea heads. Scoring grass was a social event. He hated it. Copping wine-coolers was quick and each party quickly wanted to get away as soon as the deal was made."

"As he fled with his ill-gotten Bartles & Jameses, he noticed an old man and his wife cleaning chocolate ice cream off his jacket next to their Buick."

He could feel the beef sliding in,  feel him out there making his moves.

What is he diggin holes or sumpthin?

I just don't get it.

That’s a picture of William Burroughs: Beatnik writer, dope fiend, and sexul degenerate.

Very classy and witty reference. Go fuck yourself. This has no place here.

American Gothic with a bad wig.

Quality post

That’s a picture of William Burroughs: Beatnik writer, dope fiend, and sexul degenerate.