What's the protocol for the sub when Colin eventually passes?

5  2018-06-28 by TangerineReam

Go dark for at least a week, then come back and post our favorite Colin YT's from the show? Turn the sub into a memorial page for at least a week?

Heart attack number 2 may very well be around the corner, so we should form an idea of what to do and how to process it.



Nah because much like Patrice, Colin would want us to live on in his memory.

You fucking hack.

"Unfunny faggots shitposting up to 6 times an hour are making the sub unreadable"

https://youtu.be/n2ICGs_XA5Q it'll be like this but bigger.

We should meet up IRL at Magooby's and suck each other off. For Colin.

Do we have to wait til he dies for this?

The Soul of Qadan will guide us.

We sit around a table and critique each others shirts, and point out our low IQ

Out of respect I’ll be burning my table in the front yard and describing it with obscure nationalities.

Fuckin Sri Lankin oak

This table burns like it was made by a Kyrgyzstani woodcarver using Kiribati frangipani wood.

Better question, what's the protocol for the sub when Colin eventually trans passes?

supporting each other to be able to keep emotions under control to not disrespect Colin by asking him out or offering intercourse

Nice death, stupid

pack it up and go home