“Heh, opie and Anthony are such failures, so what if I live with my parents, at least I’m not a millionaire LOSER like them....”

0  2018-06-28 by -2017


that would be funny if anthony was actually still a millionaire

Anthony Cumia, the worldwide popular radio artist has a net worth of around $16 Million. He is majorly known for his show that he hosted with Opie, a talk show on Radio. They both earned around $5 million for every year as they were a part of the complete $30 million pact. During the time he did the shows, he had earned a lot and then after he had created his own studio, he also started new shows that were worth millions.

Despite having so many pitfalls, problems and going to rehab, he has created his name for the world and is continuing to do so after years of loss. His past has made him stronger and thus he kept shining.

Ant's raking in millions with Dave Landau and East Side Daveover at his podcast network run by a mentally disabled ex-cop.

Hi Anthony

This 'epic pwnage' will not provide you the means to leave your mom's basement.

Where you’re going they don’t have basements.

I don’t know what Navy ships have on them, but I assume bunk beds and peckahs.

Fuck off Danny

This post hit home. It made me look at my surroundings and I just realized that I dont have a dinosaur in my yard nor mentally handicapped men availbe to abuse when I get drunk. I mean fun is fun but this is eye opening. I think we should take a hard at ourselves, gang.

Yeah, I suck, but you suck even more.


Anthony is a child predator with expired Taylor Ham as skin, no one is jealous of him here, sir.


OP should do something that rhymes with "uicide"

I don't think anyone here has ever mocked Anthony for being a millionaire, it's his paedophilic tendencies and failing "network" we're mocking.

Compound Media is the /billionshekelsupreme of podcasting. Nice try with the hate, though.
