IF you're drinking Bud Lite right now, Fuck You.

49  2018-06-28 by FarZeebra

I prefer my Grapefruit IPA.


My dad used to drink bud light but then he got a girlfriend who drank vodka. They would sometimes conceal it in 5 hour energy bottles. Then they broke up and he continued to drink vodka and he would be hungover for entire summers while I ate pizza rolls.

Your dad's gay

Like father like son

Pizza rolls... it all comes full circle.

Opie doesn't like India Pale Ales because the 'whatever the fuck' they put in them needed to survive the trip to America.

Barley or sum shit

grapefruit is not a preservative. those pirate's were gay.

Nice apostrophe, stupid

Anthony Cumia's head is too small for his body.

sure but his mouth is big enough to fit a whole lotta tranny dick

If you drink bud light you’ll end up with a fat ass beer belly

All you drink is Formula

IPAs are for cuckolds from Portland.

Too many hops for your sensitive taste buds?

Too many cocks for your taste cuck?

Stop being obsessed with cocks and cucks you projecting faggot.

Stopping drinking IPAs, and pretending it's cum!


I know he's not rolling in millions, but why drink that piss if you can afford not to? Truly classless man

Because he drinks 35 of them a day.

This fine chap would beg to differ: https://youtu.be/KS8GVLl5IkI

I call it 'crud light', personally

If you drink bud lite in the current age you're doing it so you can drink more beers rather than enjoy the beers you're drinking. If your beer of choice is bud lite you are 99% probably an alcoholic.


He might as well drink regular Budweiser.

If he was a Midwest guy then Michelob Golden Light would be a good option for him.

Real men only drink Zima

According to wikipedia, they brought it back. We weren't big enough homos in the 90's. It was too soon.