Phantom Thread is fucking amazing.

7  2018-06-28 by BoboOrbani55

Finally watched it and I don’t know why I waited so long. I will never be skeptical of PTA ever again.

I bet Opie fancied himself a Reynolds Woodcock type genius-asshole.

Anyway, PTA and James Gray are the only young filmmakers left in America.


No. It was gay and sucked

That’s what I meant to write.

Then you know where the shotgun is.

PTA can do no wrong.

I'm on your team and agree with this sentiment. He's probably my favorite ever and I'm in awe of all his films. However I read/heard something about how his next movie he is writing with his like 10 year old daughter and he wants to make a family movie or some horseshit like that. Hopefully this isn't true or it's a big swerve, and even if it is true I sill give him the benefit of the doubt. But as far as news goes about your favorite director this is about as bad as it gets

Nana is the one who gets pissy about morning eye contact, not Opie.

Ben Wheatley can sometimes churn out quality stuff.


I love his first three movies, don’t like his next batch, but this one was great.

First three like Hard Eight- Boogie Nights- Magnolia? Sir you are aware he made There Will Be Blood, correct? Possibly the greatest movie ever made. One of those pieces of art (this also happens to me with the Sopranos) where you think you could be a writer or director and then you watch it and say fuck it cause you'll never be able to create anything even half as good

Yeah, I need to watch There Will Be Blood again. I think I was in a bad place in my life when it came out and it just didn’t resonate with me, so I never saw it again, but I will give it another watch.

Magnolia is my favorite of his, but again, that maybe has more to do with where I was in life when I first saw it, which led me to watch it a dozen or so times since.

I love all of his movies. I have seen Magnolia a ton of times and am always blown away by it. It's one of those movies that whenever it's on, no matter what part,I can jump in and get sucked into it. Boogie Nights is like that too. Boogie Nights might be the most entertaining movie ever. There Will Be Blood on the other hand is something you need to watch beginning to end. The opening scene of that movie (like 20 mins) just makes you realize you're watching 2 masters at work. That movie truly might be the most impressive work of filmmaking (both in front and behind the camera) of all time or since Apocolpyse Now. You really should re watch it asap, I'll be interested in hearing your take.i used to think Punch Drunk Love was his worse movie (and it might be) but that's saying a lot cause that shit rules too and Adam Sandler is a great actor when called upon. The fucking Master is insane too. Inherent Vice was probably PTAs roughest movie but even that one is super entertaining and funny. I'm rambling now, but PTA truly is a genius and you should revisit all his films if you think you don't like them. You seem like an intelligent dude, I think you'll really enjoy and appreciate it

Thanks man, yeah I’ll definitely give it a proper chance and watch again soon. Same with The Master. Inherent Vice is tough for me cause I’m a Pynchon fan and the adaptation throws me—i like my PTA original stories!

I saw the new one twice in the fancy Upper West Side Loews around Christmas, projected in 70mm, and it blew me away. After each viewing I thought “I should go back to There Will Be Blood” because of DDL’s performance, Greenwood’s score etc. but got wrapped up in life and didn’t.

You're in for a treat and I suspect will be shocked our how dumb you used to be. There's just no chance you're not blown away. Congrats on being a Pynchon fan. I bailed on Gravitys Rainbow (I bailed on Infinite Jest too) not so much that I couldn't understand it as much as it felt like a chore reading it. It's actually something I should strongly consider giving another go though

Yeah, Pynchon sucks. Bailed on V. and Infinite Jest 200 pages in. Wallace has a couple great short stories, and was a fantastic journalist, but I think Brett Easton Ellis was write about him being a bit of a con man. Plus, that faggot Wallace called Phillip Roth a sexist. Which is gay, even if true. P.T.A. is great.

I was underwhelmed by The Master the first time I saw it now it’s one of my favourites. BRILLIANT!!

There Will Be Blood and the Master are like Raging Bull, Fargo, Sling Blade etc. Very funny character studies that improve with multiple viewings. Magnolia is my favorite movie, and perfect for depressed faggots like me.

It's a good movie. PTA is a master at work and his movies just look better and more impressive than everyone else. And obviously DDL is the best to ever do it. It's an interesting movie and had some good laughs and was fine.. But with all that said it is probably my least favorite film by PTA. I would just rather see him tell more fun and grand stories. however, I am excited to watch it again and am almost certain I will enjoy it more after a second viewing

Really? I hated Inherent Vice.

Great movie and an even better soundtrack.

ME: What's that one?? I have to fawkin' sit and watch this some day to be perfectly honest. I can't really jump in! What's PTA? You meant STP?

ME: I got kidsss I don’t really have time to watch dese dtings! Anyway we got clips from da view and da real housewivesss coming up back next!

It looks interminably boring and I'll never bring myself to watch it. I retired from PTA after The Master, which I walked out of. He lost his mind after There Will Be Blood. (AKA "got addicted to heroin")

There Will Be Blood and the Master are like Raging Bull, Fargo, Sling Blade etc. Very funny character studies that improve with multiple viewings. Phoenix in Master is as good as anything DDL and Bobby D ever did.

Ive never read anything more offensive on here. How dare you.

James Gray is garbage and I saw his first three films in theaters. He's the perfect example of a director that should be forced to make studio films. P.T.A. is my fav director.

You're in for a treat and I suspect will be shocked our how dumb you used to be. There's just no chance you're not blown away. Congrats on being a Pynchon fan. I bailed on Gravitys Rainbow (I bailed on Infinite Jest too) not so much that I couldn't understand it as much as it felt like a chore reading it. It's actually something I should strongly consider giving another go though