REMINDER: Any time Anth talks about his book he refers to himself as "we" to escape the shame of what's between the covers.

14  2018-06-27 by danTHEdick

"We're looking to drop it this Summer." "We spent a lot of time working it out..." Shut up you, queer. Ghost writer or not, it's your shitty book that will fail and we all know it.


Thanks for the in depth psychological analysis. I look forward to your work on "Jim Norton is gay" "I think Artie has a drug problem" and "Opie is insecure"

'Sam had a piss balloon for a dick'

That was unkind and I resent it, Chad.

Dude, if you think that ants book is going to fail then i think you are forgetting the thronging crowds that protested his firing. I imagine the book signings will be just as successful

What's the goal though? To appear on Kelly Ripa and The View?

He is going to promote it on even worse podcasts than his, because thats all he has

I think he said he was gonna do Rogan. Probably legion of skanks. Shows like that.

Is that right?

Yea your comment is slightly to the right of his but underneath or sumthin

If they could get him rehired, surely they'll get his book on the NYT bestseller list!

Well bobo is going to buy 3 copies to balance a table

Nice cultural appropriation, AntH.

'Drop it?' Who da fawk are you, Macy Gray asumptin?

about 10 years late. nobody gives a fuck.

The "we" is everyone who wrote it but him. He didn't write it. He drunkenly rambled off his life story to a ghostwriter and editor who have the difficult job of piecing it together into something coherent and try to make him seem likeable.

Is he self publishing? Don't publishers have deadlines? Is this like Black Earl's "book"?

Ant's in the Black Cock Coalition

He’s going to promote it on the fbi crime stats podcast and maybe jimmy will give him a plug on his. This is a vanity publication except fewer people will read it.

When he does signings you autists better be there to take pictures. I sense a new meme "lonely Anthony."

We need people to go up to him with pictures of Sue Lightning and ask him to sign it.

I look forward to sending a dossier of his history of pedophilia, domestic violence, and racism to any venue that decides to host his signings. People's Court part 2: Delusional Jigaboo is on the horizon.

you should wait until he after he goes on, that way we get to see his inevitable douchyness during the interview, but also you can take down the credibility of that podcast for not doing their due dilligance

“[blank podcast] supports a violent racist pedophile?”

two trolls, price of one, and he will never get on another show after

What's the goal though? To appear on Kelly Ripa and The View?

If they could get him rehired, surely they'll get his book on the NYT bestseller list!