$8,95/Month - Because Netflix Won't Let You Say It

32  2018-06-27 by RoundImage4


right next to me is on of the "good" ones.

"This man is an African American. He's not what I call a nigger."

I hate how I've said that unironically in my life. Many times.


We're two guys who think that cause and effect neuters our selective conclusions.

Who is this? Opie?

I don't have any feelings for Colin one way or the other but looking at his weak chin makes me think his tough guy posturing during the Ron argument might be a bit of a ruse, gentlemen.

"And what way was that, Anthony?"

There's just so much free speech and FBI stats on Nana's podcast network they actually had to raise the subscription fee to more than Netflix.

puts down cigar and claps

god bless, god bless.

Nice corduroy blazer, stupid.

Guess I forgot to pay.

Look at anthonys little boy arms

Fuck off limey

Box of Kleenex on standby for their inevitable handjob party after discussion of black crime stats

The baseball cap really compliments his ill fitting brown blazer.

Nice comma, stupid.

Ol nigger lover is reaching to jerk off tranpa, look at the trajectory of his hand.

Nice posture, Ant. Is this greaseball slicing out of his chair?


Ball cap and a blazer. The gentlemen's bigot.

the body language in this pic is saying Ant wanna be white and Colin wanna be heard, neithers going to happen

Two faces that simply must been seen on camera.

Colin hangin out with one of "the fellas".

It bothers me that Anthony dresses like he’s a 9/11 cleanup volunteer. How many firehouse & police precinct shirts is a civilian allowed to own?

So free that your employers and deans will be contacted if you disagree with the owner.

Is that Jan Terry headshot in the background?

Look like they both follow the Body by Rolo diet.

That ball lickin hat is to snall for his fat fag head,the cocksucker cap fit his dicksuckin head much better.