What if we Dosed Ant With LSD, MAAAAANNNN?!?!?!

6  2018-06-27 by SpaceCaseBassFace

Would the introspection drive him to suicide? Would he look in the mirror and see himself for the nigger he's always been? Would he castrate himself with the nearest kitchen utensil in an effort to quell his pedophilic urges? Or would he just laugh his balls off the whole time and write off any introspection as "psychedelic bullshit?"


He would see pretty colors while fucking his next victim

Ant doesnt think coloreds can be pretty.

His sister looks very nice though, even for her advanced age

I'd love to see his subconscious illuminate him to his arc of insular entropy.

If their was a twink or tranny in sight he'd definitely pull a Scotty from Boogie Nights and try to make out with them. I could see him blowing his brains out with a revolver after downing a bottle of tequila and Xanax after he started coming down and realized it was all out in the open now.

It would be a lot like the cop on LSD in Coonskin. What, you never saw Coonskin? It's a fucking classic.