Remember when Anthony was worried about the crowds being too large to have a live audience?

21  2018-06-27 by lolercakesmcgee

We will not be doing a live broadcast or have a sit down audience, the venue and large crowds expected make that impossible


Hey Squidward, did you finish those errands?!?!

As much as i love to hate the filthy wop, I think he just meant large crowds in general for comic con. Not large crowds to see him.

I went to the comic con in 2012 and it was absolutely packed. Can’t imagine how bad it must be these days.

I went to the comic con in 2012

lol you gay

Yea - nothing better than seeing this greasy Guinea and his slope-faced, pigeon armed Business Manager release statements and fuck up their business....

But this one is not suggesting they'll draw crowds too big for capacity...referring to the size of comic con.

Even more ridiculous, Remember when Opie worried about crowds being too large? holy shit!

At the Mari’s Deli appearance?

Even Ant promoted it for em.. poor fella

Tampa Bay Comic Con. How were they able to control that mob of CP Media fans?

Lotta problems in that room.

I even remember when Anthony Cumia had a job.