What Does it Say About a Man that "Cool Sculpts" His Chest & Willingly Talks about it on Air?

2  2018-06-27 by OpiesInnerCircle

How fragile an ego does one have to have to decide, in their 40s, that they need to "Cool Sculpt" their chest?


I had to google that shit to know what the fuck you're talking about

Why doesn't he just work out and eat right like a man in their 40's should be doing anyway? I thought Troy was grass clipping smoothies and veganism guy?

I like how he justified his nose job by saying that he had once broken his nose in a fight rather than admitting he's a future human Ken doll.

My nose has been smashed a good 6 times. I can breathe through one nostril and I'm still considered handsome.

it says he's guilty of a heinous crime

That he is trying to own this embarassing vanity surgery with fake confidence, because if he had real confidence he wouldnt need the surgery

i got puffy nips myself

wanna suck em?