What Does Westwood One Give Opie that YouTube Couldn't?

5  2018-06-27 by OpiesInnerCircle

I'm confused as to why Opie couldn't just produce a show on his own & upload it to YouTube. How does Westwood One give him a bigger reach? Are they paying him a substantial salary that he wouldn't receive with YouTube? Someone please explain.


more like brestwood one ahahahaaha

Fake viewer numbers

Status. Most people hear Westwood One and think it actually means he's getting paid.

An excuse when people call him out


Listen, you reeeeaaaally need to stick to just listening to the show and let the Opster work his magic. He already has a deal with a major UK based company to run his viral videos and now he is building one of the top podcasts ever. He has been doing this since he was 55 he knows what he is doing.

Not having to shamefully write "self employed" on his tax forms like a 30 year old famale "graphic artist" who does commissions for friends once a year instead of getting a real job, or Ant.

Westwood is still "Radio". So even though he is doing a podcast no one listens to except /u/NateJay82 he can still claim to be a "radio guy".

He’s incompetent and has no idea what it actually takes to produce a broadcast.

If he wanted to do a podcast on his own he would have to ask someone he used to work with or a comedian with a podcast to help him get started. How do you think that would go?

To somebody like him, he can't feel like a failure if he has a boss. The guy is a long time veteran of the industry who used to shit on podcasting and literally every other radio personality on a regular basis. Most of those people are still working somewhere and he's been flushed down the toilet. He needs structure and a company to point to and say "They wanted me! See! I'm not some YouTube hack loser with a USB mic"

Getting validation and some sort of contract or agreement from a company or network lets him feel like he's still part of the industry and not a one trick pony who got exposed for being the weak link in his own success and was shown the door.

He needs to say someone hired him

Westwood One is paying him a minimal salary to produce the podcast. When/If he gets advertisers on it, which to date they've yet to sell one advertiser for the podcast, he'd get a cut of that as well, as that should be in his contract.

And he went to WW1 because they provided him with 4th and 5th generation equipment to use, because he's so cheap he won't buy his own stuff like a mixing board, mics, stands etc. Youtube won't provide that to him because he has no footprint there. They get equipment out to content providers worth a damn. Not an exiled former shock jock.

Protection. On YouTube the critiques and bashing would be more direct. Plus Tranthpa can post video clips of Opie awful show

He, like every other aging radio personality, refuses to admit to himself that if he were even slightly less lazy than he is, he could do all of this himself.