MFW I found out 48% of American Black women have genital herpes

0  2018-06-27 by -2017


You're a heavy duty shit poster, huh.

Black men aged 18-34 make up just 2% of the American population yet are responsible for over 50% of all homicides, robberies and aggravated assaults from 1980 to 2008.

The average IQ of the American Black population is 85 which until 1974 was considered the upper threshold of Mental Retardation by the American Medical Association.

Roughly 45% of the American Black population consistently scores 'below basic' on the annual Department of Education 'National Literacy Survey'. A person scoring 'below basic' is considered functionally illiterate, meaning they would have great difficulty reading and understanding even a basic news article.

In a study of group population differences in genetics, Wang et. al. (2015) has shown that African descended populations have smaller brains on average with less Gray Matter and fewer cortical neurons (the neurons found in the cortex, the brains processing center for abstract thought). The studies results have been replicated several times.

The average Black male has two to three times the amount of free floating testosterone in their blood stream and a greater degree of androgen sensitivity than do males of other races. Researchers have linked this to increased levels of anti-social behavior such as violence, disagreeableness and lack of respect for social norms.

Over 48% of American Black women have genital herpes.

Remember, don't make the Black kids angry!


Colin Flaherty (friend and associate of hebophilic tunisian knife fighter Anthony Cumia)

No Vos plug? A down vote is your reward

Mate, fuck you. Be funny you cunt.

Shut up, you British island nigger.

I'm Scottish, cunty baws. Awa' sook an egg.

Oh, never mind then.

Black males are responsible for 75% of annual mass shootings (a shooting with 4 or more victims)

Why dont the mods delete these guys?

Because the mods are faggots.

Black males are responsible for 75% of annual mass shootings (a shooting with 4 or more victims)

You just know Flaherty would still go into one of those chocolate hellholes

he liquified the shit outta that pic

YFW you find out you do too...

It's that low?

Black males are responsible for 75% of annual mass shootings (a shooting with 4 or more victims)

Guess somebody did the math.


gerbil fucker