Jim's Political Corner - WTF

48  2018-06-27 by XrayMyCock

I realize Jim & Sam isn't a good show, but since their L.A. trip Jim has ramped up these moronic political rants. I guess he doesn't realize how dopey he sounds, it's not about knowing facts, it's his line of thinking is so fucking scewed and he gets mad while speaking and just babbles out meaningless metaphors and compares every topic to his own personal stories completely derailing the conversations. - Jim, you are a bad radio show host and you might need to see a psychiatrist.


hate to admit it but Bonnie called it at the Vos roast. The show is awful. Although not as bad as Opie's podcast. Diiiiiiiiiip!!!

It’s much worse than opies podcast who the fuck are you kidding

Only because it's longer.

Opie's podcast is so bizarre & deranged that it has some entertainment value. J&S is the most milquetoast droning meandering outrageously boring shit in the multiverse.



Opie's podcast is at least twice as I good, unfortunately.


Black men aged 18-34 make up just 2% of the American population yet are responsible for over 50% of all homicides, robberies and aggravated assaults from 1980 to 2008.

The average IQ of the American Black population is 85 which until 1974 was considered the upper threshold of Mental Retardation by the American Medical Association.

Roughly 45% of the American Black population consistently scores 'below basic' on the annual Department of Education 'National Literacy Survey'. A person scoring 'below basic' is considered functionally illiterate, meaning they would have great difficulty reading and understanding even a basic news article.

In a study of group population differences in genetics, Wang et. al. (2015) has shown that African descended populations have smaller brains on average with less Gray Matter and fewer cortical neurons (the neurons found in the cortex, the brains processing center for abstract thought). The studies results have been replicated several times.

The average Black male has two to three times the amount of free floating testosterone in their blood stream and a greater degree of androgen sensitivity than do males of other races. Researchers have linked this to increased levels of anti-social behavior such as violence, disagreeableness and lack of respect for social norms.

Over 48% of American Black women have genital herpes.

Opie's shit his is far superior to this show. It's MOR and a bore fest designed for guys who wear sunglasses on top of the baseball cap, but it's better than Dim & Lamb. - Jim's rants lately are just awful he whines and complains about people whining and complaining and has zero insight and doesn't even make jokes. You're not a pundit, stupid. Make cunt jokes or shut the fuck up.

Actually this is Colin Flaherty, I'm a better pundit than you will ever be, so watch your goddamn mouth.

I think one thing you internet trolls tend to overlook is that Jim Norton is a suicidal man not long for this Earth.

Buy my books and post proof before I come over to drag you out of the basement and fuck you with a curling iron.


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I gusss you forgot to laugh

The average US Black IQ is 85. Before the 1970's a person with an IQ of 85 or below was considered mentally retarded. By the current standard, 70, about one out of ten US Blacks fall below the mentally retarded threshold. A person with an 85 IQ is going to have tremendous difficulty with learning of any kind, no matter their race. This helps explain the Black poverty/crime rate and education failings.

When you adjust for IQ, the disparities between Blacks and Whites mostly disappear. The reason for the disparity is largely that there are fewer (as a percentage of the whole race) low IQ Whites than there are low IQ Blacks.

On average, Blacks have 5 cubic centimeters less brain volume than do Whites (Whites have about 1 cubic centimeter less than Asians).

These volumetric differences are concentrated mostly in areas of the brain that are responsible for high level cognition.

Blacks also have fewer cortical (cortex) neurons than do the other races meaning their brains are less capable of processing large amounts of stimulus.

Plus Black culture is fiercely anti-intellectual and puts a large emphasis on hedonism, sports and hip hop culture.

There are also more minor issues such as child abuse (Blacks are MUCH more likely to beat and sexually abuse their children) and nutrition (the impact of this is likely very small due to the prevalence of food stamps in Black communities)


The average US Black IQ is 85. Before the 1970's a person with an IQ of 85 or below was considered mentally retarded. By the current standard, 70, about one out of ten US Blacks fall below the mentally retarded threshold. A person with an 85 IQ is going to have tremendous difficulty with learning of any kind, no matter their race. This helps explain the Black poverty/crime rate and education failings.

When you adjust for IQ, the disparities between Blacks and Whites mostly disappear. The reason for the disparity is largely that there are fewer (as a percentage of the whole race) low IQ Whites than there are low IQ Blacks.

On average, Blacks have 5 cubic centimeters less brain volume than do Whites (Whites have about 1 cubic centimeter less than Asians).

These volumetric differences are concentrated mostly in areas of the brain that are responsible for high level cognition.

Blacks also have fewer cortical (cortex) neurons than do the other races meaning their brains are less capable of processing large amounts of stimulus.

Plus Black culture is fiercely anti-intellectual and puts a large emphasis on hedonism, sports and hip hop culture.

There are also more minor issues such as child abuse (Blacks are MUCH more likely to beat and sexually abuse their children) and nutrition (the impact of this is likely very small due to the prevalence of food stamps in Black communities)

We heard you. Quit trying to justify your racism. Just be racist.

And what Anthony is that?

The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.85 for late teens and adults. the black-white IQ difference is about 15 to 18 points or 1 to 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), ...The 1996 APA report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" and the 1994 editorial statement "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" gave more or less similar estimates.



From the wiki, this is the consensus for IQ differences/heritability in the US.

Nice need for wikipedia to tell you there's lots of bad niggers in the world, stupid.

No that is not true. The Black/White gap is actually SMALLER on culturally loaded sub tests than it is on less culturally loaded sub tests i.e. Raven's Progressive Matrices.

a group of citizens that are regularly marginalized and dehumanized

This is not true. Blacks self report higher self esteem, self confidence and rate their own intelligence far higher than do whites. They also have lower rates of mental illness.

American society is set up to make life as easy as possible for Blacks. About 40% of Black households recieve some form of welfare and affirmative actin ensures than any moderately intelligent Black can get an Ivy League education on scholarship and a placement in a top job.

Also, Blacks are not underrepresented in society. Once you adjust for their incredibly low IQ (for example, about 8 or 9 out of 10 Blacks are below the White IQ mean) They are the most over represented racial group. This, of course, is due to Affirmative Action and 50 years of civil rights activism forcing integration.

Yeah it is, fag.

Dim & Lamb

Jesus Christ man, no need to come right out with the big guns...

Dumb & Sham

Hi Colin!

I only respond to stinks

Listen, put your sunglasses, zipper up that leather jacket and get to work, soldier! Sell those haberdasheries and make us proud. O&A might be dead, O&J is gone but J&S is alive and well and we need you to stop it when the time comes. Call out of your gutter punks and tell them to standby.

I'm motivated now :)

I'm waiting for the inevitable Sam and Roland show. That is going to be some awesome radio!

You're just jealous of all the tasties they encounter.


Jim won't see a psychiatrist because he knows he can't hide the fact that his alcoholism is fake. He doesn't want to hear that from a therapist. In fact I think he probably tried therapy in the past and this is exactly what happened. A shrink broached the subject of why he pretends to have a disease he doesn't have and Jimmy stormed out (read: politely waited until the session was over and then just never came back).

Jimmy is so committed to this grand, 35-year old lie, that he's basically ensured that he can never be really honest with anyone, including doctors.

So in an effort to seem dark and interesting and be more like his hero Ozzy, he's made it so he can never be happy. And the real sad part is that everyone who knows him knows he isn't an alcoholic, but are too polite or afraid of him blowing up to tell him.

Self-sabotaging slugworm.

I guess you were napping during his "my psychiatrist wants to prescribe me lithium" rant.

Or all the times he tried to get Zits and Tits to go to therapy.

He was too busy writing that fucking book he just posted to pay attention. Pedantic moron

Jim can't resist the tide in (((Hollywood))) of turning every aspect of life into something political if he want's to stay relevant. But at the same time he doesn't know shit about politics or how to form a consistent viewpoint from which to expound his opinions. Jim is an insult comic that makes jokes about deviant sex and farting. He was never profound or some deep thinker.

jimmy tide

I remember reading some interview with him and he shoehorned in how his girlfriend got him into reading Samuel Beckett, all so he could look like an intellectual AND make a deviant reference to Krapp's Last Tape. Ugh.

If you listen long enough he always ends up arguing for both sides without realizing it

Thank you for your service.

Yeah? Nice Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show hair cut

He goes to LA and sees all of his successful westcoast comic friends, instead of writing and focusing on actually being funny, he just comes back and ramps up the fence-sitting political points like anyone gives a fuck or takes him seriously.

His political opinions are the same as the idiots on Facebook and the most of Reddit. They hear someone's long, drawn out uneducated opinion on something, and since they know nothing on the subject, they take it as fact and just parrot it.

It reminds me of the hour long monologues a certain someone use to deliver in the morning about black crime statistics, but even less entertaining.

At least we can all relate to racism in one way or another. Who the fuck relates to cuckolding and drinking some guy on Craigslists piss while wearing lipstick? I'm just talking numbers here.

Heey maybe he should do a paahdkeest, could call it Fixing Jim and have t'ree guys slaam him. Happens to me all the time.

Be careful what you wish for. If they didn't chew the fat about that what else would shoot the breeze about in an equally uninformed fashion?

Jim Norton is one of those people who farts at work and calls it a 'body function' but he gets off on the idea of his shit particles in peoples mouths because he's a disgusting worm faggot. Good day.

THE PROBLEM IS THE FUCKING PRESS MANNN..... really is it Jim? Do you even read a newspaper?

I only respond to stinks

I'm motivated now :)

I'm waiting for the inevitable Sam and Roland show. That is going to be some awesome radio!