What happened to our resident shemale? forgot his username.....

0  2018-06-27 by TheRealHuskies

He was a good egg and a funny dude. Anyone know what's become of him? Hopefully not another suicide stat on the state sponsored mental illness agenda.


oh shit i didn't even notice he had disappeared but they definitely got to him.

RIP u/tinknockinmoroccan

yes, that's him. I forgot his username for a second there, but he was a cool customer. It's not looking good for him so far.

Side note, what ever happened to Knickers?

I suspect suicide. He was really depressed and living in London.

living in London

?!?!? Damn cuz, I coulda got blown!!

Knickers was living in London I think, he mentioned it once when he broke character.

Knickers popped up out of the blue at one point; I think he's just lurking.

What happened to that fella who went to a Spanish prison? ;)

I thought he was in like South America.

He really was/is a faggot of mystery.

His gay character flopped, so he has to wait until 2019 to come up with a new character

Stinks probably OD'd

Yeah it would be nice to have our resident transfeminist back. Adds variety.

It sure does, pal. Plus he was a funny/cool dude, and good sport.

What a closeknit community of single mothers, domestic abusers and transsexuals. Warms the heart

Don’t forget mentally ill.

Are you trying to say spending significant amounts of time harassing 60 year old washed up shock jocks online is something a mentally ill person would do?

We also have a cerebral palsy monster, I forget who


don't misgender me

How are you dude/dudette? Happy to have you back.

Don’t forget mentally ill.


Knickers popped up out of the blue at one point; I think he's just lurking.

What happened to that fella who went to a Spanish prison? ;)

I thought he was in like South America.

He really was/is a faggot of mystery.