She really MOTHAFUCKED me by leaving my podacast. I was GENUINELY shocked when she didn't even have the decency to answer my messages. How FUCKING hard is it dude? Yeah, it took me to a really dark place. It reminded me of when I was with my chick, and how we would get really DARK.

175  2018-06-27 by ForceableEntry


I know it's hip and cool to hate Jimmy, but this wormy little fuck has made me laugh harder and more often than anyone else on the planet.

Yeah, I don't hate him. He's boring now, most of the time, and Chip should be shot. But overall, I'm glad Jim was around. That's not true for Opie. Net drag on his own show.


You R


He’s done a good job of undoing all of that for me the past year and change

That’s a rough one, man

All he and Ant had to do was not be absolutely despicable. If either of them were just coasting I wouldn't give a shit about them, but I could've never pictured either of them being this hateable.

It would also help if his current radio show wasn't putrid. Remember how he said that the Opie and Jimmy show hurt his ticket sales? This show must have decimated them.

I have been listening to shows from 2005 in the archive. Jim was mean, regularly used words like faggot and trashed liberals regularly. He referred to the mentally challenged as "family photo ruiners." I dont recognize this person.

Because the "I'm the edgy tough guy insult comic who doesn't care about your feelings, man!" was as much of an act as pontificating deep thinker Jimmy is today.


Nice reminiscing, stupid

Nothing about any of this is cool. a relationship...I'll just start BROODING because I didn't get what I want...SEXUALLY...Yeah, man, yeah.

He lays an egg, got it.

He said, without irony, sometimes in a fight with his girlfriend he'd go and open the knife drawer and just look at the knives and think about stabbing her.

"And I would BROOD and BROOD...because I was really hurt..."

When he wants to be, Norton is a hilariously quick and brutally funny little fucker. But he can also frequently be an overly dramatic, self-important little faggot.

Did it?

He’s such a pedantic little slug

"I thought her and Chip had a good vibe."

James Lipton: "Is Chip here with us tonight? May we speak with Chip?"

God you know Jim fantasies about that every night after edging.

Edit: While edging.

Edging, while dipping almonds in mustard.

What is he. Standing on his tippy toes dipping almonds into a swimming pool of mustard or sumthin?

Maybe if so many dorks didn't worship the dumb character, Norton wouldn't have the inflated sense of accomplishment.

Tsssss what r u a fuckin tea drinkah or sumpthin?

Fawk yeah you can, wats got ya laffin tonight?

"Fucking queers!!!"


Black men aged 18-34 make up just 2% of the American population yet are responsible for over 50% of all homicides, robberies and aggravated assaults from 1980 to 2008.

The average IQ of the American Black population is 85 which until 1974 was considered the upper threshold of Mental Retardation by the American Medical Association.

Roughly 45% of the American Black population consistently scores 'below basic' on the annual Department of Education 'National Literacy Survey'. A person scoring 'below basic' is considered functionally illiterate, meaning they would have great difficulty reading and understanding even a basic news article.

In a study of group population differences in genetics, Wang et. al. (2015) has shown that African descended populations have smaller brains on average with less Gray Matter and fewer cortical neurons (the neurons found in the cortex, the brains processing center for abstract thought). The studies results have been replicated several times.

The average Black male has two to three times the amount of free floating testosterone in their blood stream and a greater degree of androgen sensitivity than do males of other races. Researchers have linked this to increased levels of anti-social behavior such as violence, disagreeableness and lack of respect for social norms.

Over 48% of American Black women have genital herpes.

I see Anthony got a new Reddit account.

Black males are responsible for 75% of annual mass shootings (a shooting with 4 or more victims)

they had "the chemistry man"

I hate it when he would act like his mind was one of a deranged lunatic........ he's sooo deep and introspective maaaaaahn.

what he fuck are we talking about. who left what podcast?

Lauren "The chin". She left the Chip podacast so she could marry Dave Smith.

that was like 8 months ago who gives a shit?

Ammo is ammo

Stop talking like that.

Homo is homo.

Are you referring to me sir? I'll have you know I've only sucked several dicks when I didnt have enough self esteem to get laid and went on craigslist in college and I only SLIGHTLY enjoyed it.

Being on the chip podcast in the first place marrying Dave Smith...just a series of bad choices.

Not getting a boob job...not getting a chinsectomy

And have a kid with him

Lauren left the Chip podcast all of a sudden and this subreddit is furious at her because.............????? ???

???????????? ???? ???

A woman escapes working with an untalented creep and we excoriate her for it.

Jimmy was in such a dark place he almost went out and drank an entire Mike's Hard Lemonade.

His 34-year old sobriety chip is still with him tho, thankfully.

fawk yeah I don't get zooted no more

sobriety chip

Whass zat?

Lauren obviously was done with it and like every girl just tries to avoid confrontation with Jim and this 50 year old sperg still doesn't get that.

she's also incredibly stupid


Seems like probably a nice person but she really is a shitwit. I nearly made a post about it before, but no one here gives a fig about the Chipperson show.

When she'd read back the Lines of the Day it revealed how little she understood any of the jokes on the show, the words she had written down or how to pronounce most of them.

Yeah she was too dumb to know what was going on most of the time. "yeah chip", "you got it chip"- really, that's all you have to say?

Imagine her being the mother of your child...

She was sexy tho, was perfect. Christina is awful, boring and old. Shes a drag, doesnt inspire jim

He really should have gotten his ass kicked more as a younger man. It would have done wonders for him.

Idk, the multiple rapes left him pretty fucked up.

How was he this bloated without drinking beer? How is that possible?

Steady diet of carbs and man farts.

Remember when he was talking about how he locks his harddrive up and claims it's nothing illegal just really dark stuff that he doesn't want to get out there. Fucking brooding asshole.

That's a rough photo

Yeah, man. It's a tough one.

that was like 8 months ago who gives a shit?

Being on the chip podcast in the first place marrying Dave Smith...just a series of bad choices.

And have a kid with him

God you know Jim fantasies about that every night after edging.

Edit: While edging.

Tsssss what r u a fuckin tea drinkah or sumpthin?

she's also incredibly stupid

Fawk yeah you can, wats got ya laffin tonight?

"Fucking queers!!!"

Idk, the multiple rapes left him pretty fucked up.