Daily reminder: Linzbella was a Backpage prostitute who hung around the Compound to find customers. Ant's buttbuddies literally paid her money to fuck her which led to her divorce.

43  2018-06-27 by BoboOrbani55


Why would anyone pay to fuck that dwarf skank?

ya. why would a bunch of alleged pedophiles want to fuck a smaller than average woman?

That’s the bit, you dope.

Look at what you did

What did I do, get downvoted?

Compound Media: where an overrated 2 is considered a 10 and the line forms to the right to board the train....

She's trash, but a 2? What kind of gold pussy you fucking, big guy?

They stand ONLINE

She used to drive on the interstate while on pal talk. Sadly, we never saw a Kuhning.

She posted pictures and videos on her Twitter every day driving with no seatbelts on her or her kids and staring at her phone instead of the road. CPS should have visited this pig.

Anyone can make an anonymous call.

Shut up, Cumia ballwasher.

Sure sure

Remember that time she deserted her family to get drunk, high, and have a train run on her at the compound? Responsibility isn't her forte.

Yep. Remember the time she got drunk and was hysterically weeping in Ant's basement, so he publicly banned her from the compound?

I like to think that it was from her coming to the realization that she was a groupie horror and threw her life away for a bunch of complete zeros.

No. Never heard that story about her. What a disaster that whole compound scene has proven itself to be. I remember when everyone thought it was a playboy mansion lite party 24/7, only to see the dark, ugly truth a few short years later.


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Moe like the Playgirl Mansion

That was a different paltalk whore. I can no longer remember her name, but I'll never forget her perky tits.

Imagine being so drunk and out of control that Anthony Cumia distances himself from you.

Daniel "Bobo" Kurlan fucked her and probably used money that raised from an "unfortunate mishap"

I refuse to believe that bobo has fucked anyone besides gofundme contributors.

And his brother, although was more of a "got fucked by" scenario.

No, dat-dat never happened, awroit.

You're lying!

What about Rosie?

wait sex with bobo is a "reward"?

you spelled "retard" wrong.

I hope he knocks her up.

Don't even joke about that

Watch their offspring be more intelligent than Opie's daughter.

Nah, Bobo is still a Virgin.

She’s the Ford Escort of escorts.

Line of the thread...of thread..of the thread ..of

Great value hooker......gross.

The poker table of old men? Oof


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Real or fake news? If this is true, it's the first I'm hearing about this. Remember that time that Armenian piglet came here talking shit how she was gonna shut this place down?

Ha! I had forgotten about that.

She was also threatening to sue me for slander and libel ‘cause I may have insuated that she participated in whore-ish activities.

Linz is a prostitute, meaning that she has sex for money and I'm not implying it, I'm just stating it.

I would welcome a lawsuit by Linz Bella.


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Rumor around the Compound is that Linzbella banged Joe Currie and was the reason behind his divorce.

How would you know that?

I have sources that are close to the Batcave

Has Anthony more than one disloyal friend with whom you are in contact?

Good bit.

Are you really trying to be me?


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Being a receptionist seems like an easier way to pay rent

I’d put it in her bung. Sue me.