Bonnie made a joke on twitter today that was so bad it received zero favs in 8 hours

30  2018-06-26 by greygooser


You know Bonnie reads this sub if in a few hours she makes Vos favorite it.

I stand corrected. It has 1 favorite now.

(She faved her own tweet)

Gettin' the olllll fav train rolling.

Just a suggestion, but it might be worth asking her if she thought it was pathetic to like her own tweets

Bonnie is not funny and she knows it and it makes her cry

I think she's funny for a woman.

Yeah and her husband is smart, for a retard.

Colin is funny. That’s it. And Patrice circa 2011

Vos might be retarded but he's funny

You’re right. I’ll add him to the list; saw his standup and he killed

He fucking killsh on staygsh alright?

You know what's funny? If someone tweeted her that it wasn't funny. She'd get mad. Very mad. She's the type who blocks and everything.

And if they could throw in something about a retard sister, that would be a bonus.

Your phone cut out.