TFW you get a peek up your date’s dress and there’s no penis to be found

126  2018-06-26 by pashow84


The first time I saw this set of photos I was high on acid and didn't believe they were real.

I don’t know how you were able to do that. I’ve done a lot of acid & I can’t imagine looking at Nana while tripping.

I was convinced that it was his face on the dos equis guys body. Any time this gets posted now the sheer terror returns

He definitely thought he looked like 007 when he checked in the mirror before heading out this day.

Like a cheap Cuban version.

This man is not white.

James Bland

Jameel al'Bland

“Ha ha holleee shit. The old boy’s still got it.”

His brother likes his child spit martini shaken, not stirred.

Jaime Bondano

It's both his code name AND the preferred age of his sexual partners

007 and under

That bed head

Individually placed.

He’s going for the Antonio Sabato Jr look

He’s still hilarious

Ian McShane's retard brother.

"And you're no Queen you faggot."

The “whomp whomp” sound plays in my head when I look at this picture.

He looks like he should be hocking a double CD collection of adult contemporary songs.

“Call now and enjoy such hits as hits I said I Loved You But I Lied by Michael Bolton and much, much more.”

🎵 Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you 🎵

Hiiiiii. Haha. Welcome. I’m Anthony Cumia. Have you ever loved someone so much that it caused you to ignore common decency? Western values? Statutory laws? If you have this collection is for you. With Solid Gold Barely Oldies you’ll enjoy all the hits that turned you into a rib cracking ghoul.

🎵All my instincts, they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside🎵

Ahh. Doesn’t it just take you back? Reminds you of all the good times. Urban industrial photography. Fingering in your movie theater. Remember young love? Being forced to fornicate with an adult bull dyke by your father because he was afraid you were a gayball?

🎵Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, no, baby please don't go And if you leave me now, you'll take away the very heart of me 🎵

Ahh. The memories. Implanted in your brain like so many individually placed follicles. The good times - Dick Van Dyke reruns. Karaoke. The bad - a missing gun. Gainful employment. These are the songs that bring you back. Call Deep Discount today and the entire eight cassette; four compact disc set can be yours for $89.99! And because of our strategic warehouse location in the City, the shipping is on us.

BRAVO! Do tha' bit!

awe he looks like a sad puppy :-(

Why is his hair melting

He looks like Moroccan Jordan Peterson.

Nice Jheri Curl, faggot.

Dry Eraserhead