Opie has put his daughter in charge of running his twitter account

41  2018-06-26 by SpudsCuckley


Tss, she ain't the proper level of tarded asumptin

That explains all the crayon recipes he’s been posting recently.

Not sure if this means there’re written in crayon or contain crayon, but I like it either way.

I knew something was up when I saw the lead paint vinegarette.

"Be a Dumb Dumb"

I thought the title of this thread was a joke, but now I know.

Not even Opie, with all his retardedness, couldn't possibly write this, as a serious, "Get Lost, Dumbass". Has to be one of his kids......


Sadly, he stole this from Sherrod. He always calls people dumb dumbs.

So you’re saying Opie didn’t come up with this?

Next your going to tell me he didn’t come up with saying “yuck” in disgust of something

“Great minds think a lot”

Waterhead confirmed

Hey, the Great Gazoo would call Fred Flintstone a dumb dumb, so this has some great pedigree.