Is the Tin Sheik trying to cyber bully Pat Duffy on Twitter?

18  2018-06-26 by RoundImage4



This motherfucker is incapable of doing the right thing

They're not people.

Considering the fact that they made light, on air, of Anthony not wanting to be “bothered” before the show & that he didn’t think it was worth the trouble to even learn the intern’s names, I’m going with Pat Duffy on this one.

It's also pretty much a save bet to assume Cumia is lying.

What was pats tweet?

He said opie was the funny one

No, he said Anthony was an asshole to subordinates too.

I bet this comes from someone like Sam fucking with the puke eating intern.

Get anyone else on the show to back this up. Anyone.

The one fucking time we need Danny Ross he's locked in the loony bin.


Oh Chippa, those people can never be trusted in your time of need.

Not sure who you're referring to, by chance do you have his hebrew name?

You'd all be DEAD if it wasn't for my son Dovid!

We already had cream pie on here collaborating it so Ant should shut the fuck up and change his stupid avatar

He might have known that the rule was to not talk or look at him, but that was the rule. It was told to me by all the guys on staff including Steve C. It was then my responsibility to tell all new interns this same thing once I had been there a while. It’s not a fucking lie. You couldn’t say good morning to the guy without somebody saying something to you later about it.

Are you the Pat Duffy for realz tho?

Did he ban you from the compound recently? You were there ha Gung when he assaulted Bobo.

Never been banned, just went once.

If you're the real Pat Duffy then what kind of physical exam did you get on air? If it was him, he'd know

Prostate exam. Dr Steve described my prostrate as “delightful.”

Linda Miller and Lynz Bella both in the comments. Nana is such a pussy magnet.

Pussy fagnet

Norton should be publicly confronted about what kinda of man he chose to fall in love with.

I like how Ant says anyone speaking bad about him was on drugs. Like Ant’s waterlogged, xannied brain is any better.

I hope Ant doesn’t die because the show never stops providing shitty low stakes drama.

He fucking cyber bullied Stetten when she corroborated Danny's story about Tranpa crying when she dumped him. And she deleted her tweets and shut up. It's as if she had been physically threatened by Nana in the past and knew he meant business.