Has there ever been anyone with less self awareness?

10  2018-06-26 by DButler1979


Aside from Opie maybe? This guys whole life is an embarrassment and he’s bashing Deniro for a role he would have given up everything for to get the paycheck? I hate anyone that give this cocksucker money for his god awful network.

that being said, deniro has been a massive faggot since the early 2000s, him and pacino need to be slapped around

Yeah but they had great careers. Anthony has always been a D list faggot. Even their worst shit is better then anything Ant has ever done. That’s the point.

De Niro sucks. Guy turned downed Bill the Butcher bc he couldn't film out of the country due to his custody agreement. That's why he'll make any turd filming in NY. And he only has to chase paychecks bc he keeps funding his current wife's failing business ventures. Dude's a simp, and been a hack for 20 yrs.

He's also married to an ugly black broad like Bill Burr.

His mixed race mongrels are actually a very strong argument to not racemix.

Pacino still makes good movie, they just tend be for HBO. Seriously, look at his filmography and the last twenty years is just as good as the first.

Pacino's done some great work for HBO. Angels in America, the Jack Kevorkian biopic, the Joe Paterno one, (he also did that Phil Spector film, although I didn't care for it). And in fairness to DeNiro he also did a good HBO tv movie playing Bernie Madoff in Wizard of Lies.

Dude - thanks! - I forgot about that Maddoff movie. Looking forward to watching a Bobby flick for the first time since '98.

He was great as Phil Spector in Phil Spector, and he doesn’t seem to take paycheck gigs. Lotta respect for Pacino even if he’s doing obscure stuff.

Remember when ant allowed obama to change his entire demeanor and outlook on life

Can you blame him? We were literally living in a communist regime! And those stories about groups of black youths harassing him were totally true and not at all made up fantasies in his head.

When he actually was assaulted by black youths in Times Square, he just ran home like a pissy-eyed little faggot and cried about it on Twitter. It was so embarassing his employer could no longer be seen with him.

Reminder than Anthony genuinely believed that America would become a communist dictatorship by the end of 2012:


People like Anthony are exactly the same as the Antifa-type faggots, just with different colored jerseys. Always being we're living in the worst period in history and everyone is out to get them specifically.

Remember when Jim Norton thought it was a big deal to get a bit part in The Comedian

Exactly. I don't even remember Obamas presidency now, or even what I was doing at the time. Same with Bush. Nothing changed at all. I had a great Aunt that thought Russians were going to climb up through the toilets and kill her because of the Cold War. She just withered away with Alzheimer's and died on the toilet, ironically. That's why "Nana" is the greatest name for him. What a nervous fucking coward that his lifestyle might change because of someone else.

That is a fucking terrible movie, to be fair

Compared to pick faces career it’s a crowning achievement.

So is being a Walmart Greeter at this point.

Walmart Greeter / Vizio Soundbar Defender


The clip playing watches like a metaphor for Anthony's entire career, which was kickstarted with a blackface video directed by Brother Joe.


DeNiro (Bobby as I call him) has been making absolute garbage movies for 25 years. He's old, lazy and just wants an easy paycheck. This isn't anything new.

Who can blame him?

That's exactly the correct way to play it in Hollywood: prove you are great, become a permanent A-List celebrity, then sell shit to shitheads and roll around in money with naked bitches at night.

It's literally the American Dream.

Yeah, but does he have the respect of Fred from Brooklyn and Big A? Cuck status: confirmed.

The virgin deniro vs the chad Gibson

You're stupid. Leo D. makes more than De Niro and will have a better filmography bc his idea of selling out is to make Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, and Blood Diamond. No need to make shit, unless you're just desperate for money bc you have too many wives and kids.

roll around in money with naked ugly ass niggers

Not since Gregg "Opie" Hughes has there been a man with less self-awareness.


Robert De Negro

You need to quote the tweet, remember that a good chunk of us have been banished to Obsuristan


Anthony the perpetual whining boring cunt. He's being doing this 'schtick' for so long it's honestly hard to remember him ever being genuinely funny instead of a sour racist infantile fucktard