Pop culture analogies every time.

0  2018-06-26 by -2017


It's the go to for all soyboys. Shocked it wasn't a Dr. Who reference to really show his geek credibility.

I'm always surprised when it's not a Harry Potter reference. It's the longest book they all seem to have read that wasn't a "graphic novel"

He's not wrong.

Also a wall is stupid and won't keep anyone out, cretins.

The entire reason he wants a wall is to funnel tax money to his constituents. The berlin wall didn't stop crossings and it was a fraction of the size and the people manning it could shoot to kill.

Yeah the Berlin wall was pointless, that's why no one cared when it was torn down.

Flawless logic

Also a wall is stupid and won't keep anyone out, cretins.

He's loying
