Elderly lesbian pedophile commonly refers to itself as a "Good Boy"

79  2018-06-26 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag


Why won't hot 25 year olds date me?

He grew his hair out to play Uncle Paul on his Vice show. I have nothing else to say about that.

'Play' Uncle Paul

Could totally play Wolverine in a Gay X-Men spoof.


or jubilee in the trans x-men spoof


I've never seen another human being with hair that grows out like that. very unsettling.

He has always looked like a chipmunk when he wasn't fat.

Lol he really does look like an aging bulldike.

Nice spelling, stupyd

don't understand the down votes I thought it was funny.

Jim grew his hair out for a stupid skit on a show that nobody watched. A real Daniel Day Lewis, that one.

He grew his hair out because he's a sick fuckn' puppy and don't you forget it, bub.

He let his hair grow naturally how it does and said this is the perfect hair for a pedophile.

Tig Notaro's cancer must have came back.

Jim Norton is Kryptonite for cute waitresses.

Do you or anybody know where a link to that part of the show is, or what day it was? Heard it on the Chip podcast and want to hear it.

this is the face of a man who was angered by the fact that a superstar baseball player would rather pay attention to attractive women than him

what???? i still don't get his reasoning

Fuck my bitch Base God!

Author, advocate and militant lesbian professor.

Emu looking motherfucker

"No guys you don't understand, this isn't creepy because Kim was actually just growing her hair out so it could 'pretend' to be a child molester."

he really does look like a hedgehog with partial cancer remission

I wonder what his parent's say about him?

“I guess he’s not coming again this year. Better carve the turkey before it gets cold.”

Eddie Munster in transition lookin mutherfucker