Cool reference Jim. Sid vicious died 14 years before Pete was born

0  2018-06-26 by Dennyislife


Its great how natural jim is being, posting on the newly internationally famous minor comics Instagram in such an organic way, much like he would any other.

What a faggot, all of them and ger

Jim is like Pete's aunt. Also, what the fuck does kmo mean?

Kike murderers out

ariana grande's response was pretty funny. i had to google it, but "kmo" is an emo woman who doesn't think she's emo. it's funny that she called her fiance an emo woman. but i guess when the laughter dies down her fiance is still an emo woman.

She should’ve called him a homo instead.

There isn't anything wrong with that as a throwaway line, you nitpicky asshole. Everybody knows the Sex Pistols.

I've got news for youm they don't. Especially 24 year olds. You got old.

Judging by that comment, you could really teach me a thing or two about young people and how they talk. 'I've got news for you', I like that, girl : )

Anton LaVey lookin’ mf’er.

Liked by 300k +? We’re fucking doomed

That dumb little ponytail skank has no tits

Hahaha more like Sid & Nancy! Ohhh, Peter, that was a movie I used to adore from before your time... Ohhh, those were the days. Life was simpler.