Brother Joe is a moron.

38  2018-06-26 by RBuddCumia


To the gentleman who wrote that reply enjoy a cold one on me here in obscurity


Look at what he's titled himself in his email.

Christ, what an asshole.

Just when you thought you couldn't hate that piece of shit any more

I like how brother Joe gets some of his shitty cover band concerts cancelled and throws a fit. Yet, he has no empathy for kids getting put into homes when their parents illegally take them across the border. If it had happened to his Tunisian ass he'd be talking about how much it affected him to this day. And how the US needs to erect some sort of Tunisian child statute for all the greasy kids they locked up away from their families.

To be fair, Joe did dance on the grave of a dead child and call it ‘karmic retribution’ for the father getting his shitty cover band concert cancelled. I’m guessing empathy for children has no place in the Compound.