life of crime erock

81  2018-06-25 by Phantas_Magorical


What is this? I'm a traveler from /new and I don't know if I should upvote this or downvote.

Former show producer. He helped his uncle kill a lady from auto dealer magazine in the uncle's junkyard.


No dude. The cops killed that whore.

If you killed yourself, nobody would miss you.

upvote it you fucking idiot

Making a hamburgler.

Cold Cut Files

The First 48 Portions

The Stare Face

The Menu Reader

Wide Wide Country

NYPD Bleu Cheese


America's most Wonton


Buffetline NBC

McDonald's and Wife

Live Piggy

Butter Saw and Order

How to get away with sugar.


Life of snickers pie

Guilty of the fifth deadly sin, but but unconcerned. Based E-Rock

He would have a bunch of neck tattoos

Luckily for Erock the Supreme Court has said it's cruel and unusual punishment to execute the intellectually disabled.

Eric "The Chins" Nagle

Monk Fruit

Plates Without A Trace

Better Call M

he looks like he ate a korean family bbq style

They use the space between his eyes to measure football fields.

Hill street moos

The real Bay Harbour butcher.

Law & Order a pizza

Al Mascarpone

Crime & Nourishment

Slimmer than usual

He must actually have a small amount of down syndrome.


Erock is gangsta as shit!

This looks like a young Gacy photo.

The Longest Tard

He slimmed down in the joint.