Upvote if you think this sub made ant cry.

493  2018-06-25 by SamsHairLine


upvote if you want OP to die

Upvote if you like pie

Pie is fucking gross. Cake is where it's at. But you already knew that, didn't you fatty?

Cake is for fatties. Why would you eat what is basically sugared bread.

It is not sugared bread

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you enough to throw you birthday parties but you don't have to take it out on the cake.

Cheesecake is the only good cake, and it isn't even sknow fucking cake. Maybe german chocolate and carrot cake as well, but most cake is garbage. I always asked for key lime pie or cheesecake for my birthdays growing up. I hate frosting.

I always asked for key lime pie or cheesecake for my birthdays growing up

lol. What a fucking cornball.

Go eat some cake, you sissy faggot.

"Key lime pie"...hahaha. Fucking queer.

Who the fuck doesn't like key lime pie?

carrot cake


Cake Horn.

I'm no baker, so i don't really know why, but it seems like cake is the dessert most prone to be cheapened down and taste like sugary shit. Half the time I'm given cake that I didn't choose myself it seems like I'm being handed something meant for fucking 5 year olds.

Cake, what am I? 5?!

^ loser whos parents didn't love him enough to buy him birthday cake.

You gay

Cry with laughter you mean, I assume?

he's laffin all the way to the bank!

Does anybody remember laughter?

I forgot to laugh.


if your gonna re-use shit re-use it right you re-tard


Nothing gayer than a low effort karma whore.

I upvoted it anyways because I know Ant reads this shit.

Takes one to know one.

I guess you're rubber and he's glue! 😂

this guy's fawkin good!! dvv dvvdvdvvvv

numerous times.

Getting fired the way he did, having to work with someone as frustrating as Artie, and seeing his investment in CM return absolutely nothing would make me cry, too.

I don’t think so, hence why I think this sub reddit needs new targets/victims. Whatever happened to Joe Matarese? Did we spare him?

he's out selling used furniture

Oh my God, that really is what he's doing. That "new antique" shit pulled the wool over my eyes, but he is actually just selling valuables on eBay. Can't wait for his next ad: Leather jacket for $200 (worn on America's Got Talent)

I agree. He was the most fun.

Everything makes Anthony cry.

Pissy eyes faggot.

Whats worse for him? Thinking about the spaghetti or this sub?

upvote for free hat

Ant drinks to make himself not cry at night.

I think Nigel Igger may have gotten to him.

You think Ol' Pissy eyes made a comeback?

Downvote. We make Ant cry.

No doubt it makes Jim cry.

Asking a bunch of self centered retards if their actions had an effect on someone they are obsessed with. What a fucking genius post.

only second to this master work

Cry me a river, Cumia!!!

Come on now, this sub has had NO EFFECT on his life at all.

Pie is fucking gross. Cake is where it's at. But you already knew that, didn't you fatty?

only second to this master work