Chloe Dykstra is an ungrateful cunt. Doesn't thank us.

4  2018-06-25 by boringoneliner


We gave her the strength to come forward by openly discussing her abuse.

No thanks from her to us. Only thanks those unfuckable cunts in /r/twoxchromosomes .

u/skydart we were being serious in telling you to come forward.

What is an emotionally abusive relationship ?

its code for "im a lying whore"

Another thing to add to the list of things women can absolve themselves from personal responsibility

Its like when you say 'I love you, you stupid blabbermouth cunt.'

Women are faggots

You aint fibbin pal

She should go to comic con dressed as Patrick from Spongebob and let guys molest her on the floor.

All women should

Her boyfriend had the nerve to not hold hands with her once while they walked down the street. Then had the audacity to break up with her just because she repeatedly cheated! What a nerdy monster she was involved with! The girl's been through enough!!


No that's Lenny Dykstra

My life became a whirlwind

Must be hard, I bet that asshole doesn't even have much to worry about.

Her dad was fired from star wars for being a cunt too, it must run in the family

Leave Lenny alone

despite things having been chopped up and taken entirely out of context

Yeah, let's all reflect on how out of context quotes were used to attack the accuser and not the accused in this case.

If this ends Chris Hardwick's career she should be praised as a hero