Reminder: Gregg “Opie” Hughes’ daughter is, medically speaking, a waterhead

4  2018-06-25 by GangstaFag

And he’s still the dumb one in the family.


Slow down with the complicated medical jargon

Is it any surprise after all the nut-shots her daddy took on Jackass?

I know his kids are mysteriously good at skateboarding and all have Philly accents...

Doesn't mean she's still not a wooderhead.

Margera seed = wuderhead

Yea, her head is filled with FLUUUUIDDDDDD

i'm not clear. was she born retarded or become retarded when opie spiked her to save himself when he was falling down the stairs? i love how he defended himself by saying "its a natural reaction to try to stop yourself from falling." meanwhile there are plenty of cases out there of people going to extremes to protect children, some even losing their life. this asshole slips on the stairs and ditches his infant daughter to brace himself.