Why did Anthony n Davin give Redbar a show?

0  2018-06-25 by RoosterGMcgee

Asking for a friend...lulz.


It's like how girls get a fat chick to hang around them to make them look better.

Anthony wants his 5% talent to look like 20% so he hired someone with 0% talent.


Is Davin supposed to be a slam or something? I want in on the joke.

Davin McPenis

"Gavin... koff Gavin McInass. wheeze Faggin McInass." - Artie Lange, June 2018

I think they said Redbar asked to work for free. I guess he was already doing a show anyway, but that's still pathetic from both sides.

You're talking about a guy that does 8 hour long podcasts. Redbar fucking sucks.

whose redboor?

Dhy did Danthony n Davin dive Dedbar a dhow?

ManbadFerrara is the the dloods street gang guys. Keep an eye on this one.


You're talking about a guy that does 8 hour long podcasts. Redbar fucking sucks.