O&A Death Pool might have some action! Who has the Nagel boy via skin cancer? Think the line was at +15000 last I checked. We'll biop-see soon... [@4mins24secs]

4  2018-06-25 by OldManGrizzle


What the fuck is wrong with Erocks eyes?

And who is the blonde hole? Ants girl?

A lil case of Down Syndrome and Bon Jovi’s keyboard player’s daughter.

could give less a fuck about anything chip related. jim yorton stinks at everything.

“Biop-see soon” fuck, that’s funny

Can the passive aggressive faggot just come out and say he's making fun of Opie? I'll give Tits this, he doesn't dwell on the past like Morton does. 'ME' does his awful podcast and doesn't give a shit about the Worm or Nana.

Tits barely even hints that Worm and AntH exist. The only thing that is sadder than when the Worm tries to get heat for his awful radio show by trashing Tits is AntH and his "friends" obsession.

this was the best episode in a while.

Show works best with both girls there and Sam plays off Chip so much better than Anthony.

He’s still doing this bullshit? Fucking embarrassing