Anthony Cumio would say yuckie to this.

22  2018-06-25 by RBuddCumia


Slap a penis on it and he'd have second thoughts.

Or prep it before it enters a loved one.

I'd fuck her but wouldn't tell my friends about her.

This is as safe for work as it gets.

boss is giving me the thumbs up

Julie Kay?

Yes, sir.

I hate a vagina that looks like a birth defect

Me too, and by the time you discover one it's usually too late.

Black girls' pussies look like wallets.

While you're looking in hers, she looks in yours

"You gotta make them clap their hands when you leave the roo.." WE HEARD YOU ARTIE

Yeah I think Otto jokes are funny too.

That's da bit!

Lol thats a long time public domain joke, Otto may have said it but it wouldnt be credited as an Otto and George quote

You really thought you got him. Wake up motherfucker.

Bitch shaves her pussy with a dull weed whacker

Seriously. Did a dog maul off her bush?

bitch pussy got razor burn

Not these terrible posts again

The area directly above her twat looks like Morgan Freeman's cheeks.

Didn't think it was possible to be lighter than Meghan Markle.

What a lovely gal.

And yes, of course Ant would say yuckie. Do you see a cock?

Twato is resurrecting itself an inch above her slit

Looks like the bitch shaved with a debit card

Forest Whitaker eye

I'd munch. That's a realistic portrayal of the average pussy

Eat da cooshie.

"When you look long into an black puss, the black puss also looks into you." 

shit, that's true.

What is this, 2003? Post the video link, grandpa.

me too. what a nigger!

As would I. An average porno broad? Should we all be drooling over her?

That’s why you gay.

She looks sick. Her skin is the same color as the E.T. when he was dying.

“Yuck! Too much pussy.. not enough dick” - Ant Cumia

Are those zits?

She has reptile scales around her pussy.

They really have razor burn in their DNA.

She is a 5.

dirty ghetto pussy

If you zoom in on her pussy it looks like a Reaper from Mass Effect